Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader Chap. 10; Paul Prenter's revenge

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*Author's note*

Wow it has literally been FOREVER SINCE I DID AN UPDATE TO THIS SERIES!!! But finally with the lockdown and me having a short work week this week I'm finding time to finally come back to this series. Now I would like to point out there's 2 more chapter of this series and then I'll jump into a new series that I've been doing and had you guys help me out with with casting choices. 

So to those fans of this series I thank you all for being patient with me and I hope to have the next chapter done either tomorrow or Thursday. Until the next update my darlings enjoy. 


Later that afternoon I was getting prepared for my wedding. With the proposal now done, John's father insisted that the wedding happen tonight at sundown and everyone in the kingdom of Agrabah was welcome to witness the wedding of the century.

A few of Roger's handmaidens were helping me with the adjustments of my dress. It was a beautiful white dress with golden flower patterns from top to bottom. The handmaidens helped me with my hair and did my makeup as Freddie said.

"You finally did it, you got the Prince of your dreams. I'll admit I was worried about it for a second especially after that whole—jam debacle but you really pulled yourself through."

"I did didn't I?" I said solemnly as I looked at myself in the mirror. I went quiet after that. Freddie looked at me curiously before saying.

"Ladies, do you mind if my Princess and I speak in private? You all have done a very lovely job. Go have yourselves a break. Thank you my darlings." Roger's handmaidens soon left the room which left Freddie and I alone, except for Abu and Carpet. "Do you want to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Freddie asked as his genie form came back.

I walked towards the balcony and looked out over the city of Agrabah and said.

"My whole life will change after tonight."

"Indeed it will. But you'll be great, especially after you tell Deacy the truth."

"Actually—" I trailed off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't like where this is going dear. Whatever it is your thinking forget it!" Freddie warned me as he came up to me.

"Come on Freddie you said it yourself! People see what they want to see! (Y/n) is dead. I'm just Princess Ali. If I told John the truth he'd—he'd never forgive me. I'd lose him forever. And......and people like me never get a chance to marry someone who loves you for you."

"You're contradicting yourself darling. Because you're not really you. You're pretending to be someone you're not."

"Which.....leads me to my other thought. I know I promised to use my 3rd wish to set you free but—Freddie I can't do this without you. I can't set you free." Freddie looked at me with a stoic glace before saying.

"So you're—never going to tell John the truth?"

"You wouldn't get it." I snapped as I turned and walked away from him back into my bedroom. "People like me don't get what they want except by pretending. Would you have me back out on the streets stealing to survive?! No. All you ever cared about was your freedom."

"Darling I could give a shit about that now. What I'm concerned about is you. What's happening to you." he poofed right in front of me. He took my left hand and looked down at my engagement ring stroking the diamond as he said, "You'd rather lie to someone you love, than to give all of this up."

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