The truth and a warning; AU Ghost!Queen x teen reader

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well by popular demand on both here and my tumblr, I have made the sequel as well as a 3rd Part for the Legend of the Band ghost AU fic. So here you guys go with pt.2 where the truth is revealed to our beloved bass player, but there is also grave danger ahead. I won't give too much away so you'll just have to read on and see what happens.

Warnings: fluff, angst, nightmares, kidnapping, supernatural elements. 


"Don't go to them. You're putting yourself in danger. Your whole family will be in danger if you don't stay away." There he was again. I looked up and soon appearing right at the center of the pentagram was a man with shaggy blonde hair, a scruffy appearance with a five o'clock shadow, wearing a trench coat, a white button up shirt with a long red tie, and black dress pants.

"Who are you?" I asked. He just looked at me with that same sharp expression. He opened his mouth but another voice spoke out of his mouth.

"Wake up!"

I woke up with a gasp and glared up to see Roger hovering right in front of me.

"Roger what the fuck? You trying to give me a heart attack or something?" I hissed at him.

"Well if you had woken up the first time, I wouldn't have needed to do that, would I? Now c'mon. I want you to see the sunrise with me." I got off his bed and stretched myself.

It's been almost 3 months since my friends and I came up here to Rockfield studios. Since then I had been coming up here in secret without telling my nana or my dad. Most of the times I would come up would be when Freddie and the boys would want me to hear new songs they got (Freddie said that since I came to the farm, it's like the creativity they once had when they were alive suddenly came back).

But throughout all the visits I have done with the guys, I—still hadn't worked up the courage to tell John the truth about......who I really am. I mean how would you be if you were in my shoes? And how would you tell the spirit of your dead grandfather that you're his grandchild without freaking him out. Or causing some sort of ghostly pandemic where he'd like explode all of London or something.

Roger hovering right outside his room waiting for me, I stood up and put my hoodie and sneakers on and followed him. My thoughts also went back to the dream I had last night. It was also been practically 3 months since I've had that same dream over and over again.

At first it happened the night I came back home. But one month later it came back to me. Then it was once a week, then once every other day, and now since a month ago, it's been every night. I don't know why this guy keeps coming into my dreams or why he says the same thing over and over again.

Roger and I finally reached outside. The snow crunching underneath my feet with each step I took.

"You know you've really been out of it lately. You sure you're not sick or something?" I looked up at him and said.

"Nah. I was just dreaming."

"Naww about me? Lovie I'm flattered." He teased flirtatiously as he tossed his long, flowing hair aside. "Alright c'mon. Fred's just about to wake up, we gotta get up to the top of the barn before he does." He flew towards the inside of the barn and I ran after him.

He now floated on top of the second level of the barn where mostly some more hay and old bags of manure stood at. It was then I finally told me.

"Eww no way Rog. Besides you're like in your 70's now. It's just weird."

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