Rock Angel Poll for the Masked Singer

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Okay guys sorry that this isn't a story update but I NEED HELP!!!

I've been thinking about for like a current time period chapter having the Rock Angel being apart of the actual competition show the Masked Singer. Just to see what she would be doing in this day and age (so that way it's not just straight from No One but you music video to her death)

Now what I need help on is figuring out WHAT she'll be on the Masked Singer

Now for those of you out there that watch the show, or even those that haven't you can still help me out, but I've got two options that have been buzzing around my head. Now I've got one vote for each animal that I'm thinking of the Rock Angel being but I would like to continue to see a poll on what the end result will be. So My fellow readers and fans of the Rock Angel series, should the Rock Angel be.......




Leave a comment below or right at your destined choice (kinda love that we can now comment on a certain section).

Idk how long I'll keep the votes open for, maybe till the end of the summer I'll let you all know in the next couple of weeks. So please this would mean a LOT to me and really help me. 

Remember I've got ONE VOTE FOR EACH so I'M TIED BETWEEN LIONESS AND PHOENIX. So let's break this tie breaker.

Thanks again guys and I hope you all stay healthy and happy out there

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora