*Request for SpiderLion* Ahkmenrah

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well have I got a special fic for you guys and get this. I have been DYING to do one of him for literally YEARS and now thanks to SpiderLion she's helped me fulfill that dream. I give you all my very first AHKMENRAH STORY YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! Okay now just a heads up there WILL BE A PART 2 SO DON'T WORRY. I just really wanted this to be an established fic and not just an immediate BOOM. POW full in love story. I feel like those are just really rushed. But there are some subtle hints in here of a little bit of flirtation and I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU ALL to name the reference I've done towards the end of the fic. First person to say that gets a plate of cookies. Enjoy my lovelies :) 

History comes to life

Ahkmenrah x reader


2006. New York City. The Museum of Natural History. My home away from home. I mean to a college girl going for a master's degree history that's a lot, and all at the age of 23. Yeah whenever it came to school I was always deemed the 'smart one' or in some cases the 'nerd'.

Was Valedictorian in high school, completed my bachelor's degree within my first 2 years of college and now I'm completing a 4 year master's degree. Not only that but I once did an entire year abroad in Egypt as a part of one of my courses that gave me 3 credits for one of my History courses.

And now here I am completing an internship credit instead of going for a core course credit, here at the Museum of Natural History. So far into my second week of my three month internship it's been pretty good. Since I'm also having to write my dissertation about the ruling of Ahkmenrah, this place has been a great place to think.

Whenever I wasn't needed by the boss, Dr. McPhee, you would normally find me in the Ancient Egypt hall, sitting in the room of the pharaoh himself writing my paper. And I know it sounds crazy but sometimes I wish that I could actually have the chance to speak with him, I mean if I'm to complete my dissertation I wish to know things that I didn't already know (there's only so much you can find on the Internet).

Little did I know that that day would soon come, and it all started with a blast from the past.

I was currently walking down the steps after completing my day here at the museum when I saw walking with Cecil, one of the three night guards an old 'boss' you could say.

"Well I'll be damned. Larry Daley." I greeted as I came up to them.

"Oh hey, hi uhh....." ahh the same old Larry forgetful Daley.

"(Y/n) (l/n). I used to live down the road from you guys."

"Oh right sorry! Wow it's been a long time."

"Yeah about 3 years since I graduated high school." I said with a smile.

"So I see you know our new nightguard huh Ms. (l/n)?" asked Cecil.

"Yeah I've babysit his son since the day he was born. How is Nicky by the way?"

"Oh he's you know good. Fine. Loving hockey."

"Oh that boy and his hockey. I remember he tried to get me to play it in the house and we ended up breaking that lamp."

"Yeah thanks for reporting that."

"Even though he tried to convince me not to speak of it." I giggled. "So Cecil says you're going to be the new night guard?"

"Yep. Just showing Larry around, giving him a little tour before his shift tomorrow night." Cecil explained.

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