Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader Chap. 5; Friend like me

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*Author's note*

Now here is where the fun truly begins. Cause this is the moment I know most of you have been waiting for since I first began this little Disney AU fic, the man, the legend and always fabulous Freddie Mercury AS THE GENIE!!! Now I've done a little combination of both Robin WIlliam's and Will Smith's "Friend Like me" (one verse in particular but you'll see it) so I don't really care which one you guys end up listening to in the end, I leave that up to ya'll. But I do hope you enjoy this longer chapter, probably the longest chapter I'll write for now. But enjoy my lovelies and hope you like our beloved Freddie playing the beloved Genie :)


I felt something grip the shoulder of my shirt as well as a small hand touching my face. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Abu standing over me. He chattered and hugged me and I was lifted back up to reveal Carpet. Soon it all came back to me, the cave exploding, the old man taking the lamp, nearly killing me and me falling back down here into the cave of Wonders.

"Thanks carpet." He waved his tassel around as he bowed in welcome. I looked up to see the entire cave was blocked off with sand and rock. "We're trapped. And whoever that old guy was, he's long gone with that lamp."

It was then Abu stepped over behind a rock and low and behold he took out the lamp. I gaped at him and choked out Abu.

"Abu....why you hairy little thief!" I grabbed the lamp with my left hand and scratched Abu's chin with the other. He leaned into my finger and I stood up and looked at it. "I mean, why go to all this trouble for a simple oil lamp? And more importantly how's it going to get us out of here?"

Carpet then began to point at the lamp, and I emphasis on pointing, it was like he was urging me to rub it.

"Rub the lamp?" he nodded. I looked down at the lamp and that's when I began noticing something strange about this lamp. It was glowing some sort of blue color. "What the...." I blew the dust away from it and rubbed it.

Suddenly the lamp began to jostle in my hands and glow before it shot out a puff of smoke like a cannon, next thing I knew fireworks began exploding out of the lamp and I know I may sound crazy, but I swear I heard laughter as well. Finally blue smoke just engulfed around the entire cave and I heard a cry echoing through the cave.

Then as quick as it came, the smoke cleared and there stood just a few feet away from me, a blue man with black hair down to his shoulders.

"Oi, 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck! But man does it feel good to finally be out of—" when he turned to face me, he groaned and said. "Ohh great we gotta do this shit again? Okay might as well get it over with." Suddenly he grew giant size as he floated over me and in a booming, thunderous voice, he spoke as his arms crossed over his chest; "Oh great one that summoned me. Terrible one that commands me. I stand by my oath, loyalty to wishes three!"

I was just in shock as a whimper softly came out of me as my jaw was probably down to the ground at this rate. He adjusted himself and continued, "I said.....'Oh great'...." He leaned down towards me and using that normal voice he used earlier he asked me, "Darling help me out here where's your boss? I mean if I wanted to fucking talk to myself I could've stayed in the lamp."


"Hello~ Anybody in there?" he waved his hand in front of me.

"I—" I squeaked out.

"Ahh use your big girl voice." He playfully scowled me.

"I'm.....talking. To a smoking blue—giant?"

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