Hallowqueen pt.1: The underwater act; Roger Taylor x reader

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*Author's note*

So here we are with the first part of my Hallowqueen mini-series. And the first one up was the obvious choice for this part, with our beloved Roger Taylor. Now as stated in the intro part previous there will be NO HAPPY ENDING. NO FLUFF, NO HAPPY FEELY THINGS. BUT PURE DARKNESS AND HORROR THEMES. So there will be death, seduction, flirtation and make out sessions (nothing extreme but PG-13) I hope you all enjoy this part to those who are willing to read this Halloween series based around our lovely Queens


You walk towards the water tank hoping to maybe catch a glimpse at the handsome 'merman' you've chosen to nickname him. Soon enough you're now backstage where you see the giant water tank that is about half the size of an Olympic swimming pool.

You look through the clear tank to look through the dark water hoping to find him somehow. Soon enough a flash of a figure swims by, but what was odd was that it looked like a fish tail of some sorts.

  Soon enough a flash of a figure swims by, but what was odd was that it looked like a fish tail of some sorts

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"I saw you staring at me." You jump at the sudden soft voice that spoke. Looking up you see the handsome blonde angel. Getting a closer look at him, the first thing that catches your eye are his eyes. Those hypnotic blue orbs that are just so entrancing. "Seems I've ensnared another one eh?" he chuckled. You shake your head and said.

"I—I'm sorry I-I-I didn't mean to stare."

"I'm not offended love." Hearing him call you love makes a blush appear across your cheeks. He chuckles softly and says again "Why don't you come a bit closer love?"


"Go that way and you'll see a staircase, go up along it and you'll reach the platform of the tank where I do my dive ins." You go to the right and soon enough you see it, a bleacher style staircase. Going up it, you soon arrive at the flat platform that literally touches the water but there's no sign of the blonde haired swimmer.

You look around until suddenly you feel a splash of water hit you from the side.


"Sorry love, I couldn't help myself." He said as he leaned against the platform on his elbows. "Please have a seat, make yourself comfortable." Looking down seeing how the water pulls in and out of the platform (kinda like how they do at SeaWorld), you debate on it thinking if you do, your clothes will end up wet. But if not then it just seems unfair since he's willing to allow you to take a seat.

So you figured that since it was time to throw those old jeans out anyways, a little water wouldn't do you harm. You sit down next to him and he says.

"What's your name love?"


"Ahh, such a beautiful name. It suits you. I'm Roger. Roger Taylor." You turn your head and blush again at his little flirtation. "Oh please don't look away." He reaches out and has you look back to him. "One such as yourself should never have to look away."

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