RA: Freddie Mercury, lover of life, singer of songs; Queen x reader

582 18 59

*Author's note*

Alright, this is it guys. Get out the tissues and your comfort snacks cause I have for you THE chapter that everyone's been dreading. This will be the last chapter where Freddie Mercury is alive. I had this chapter done since around the beginning of the month and after some debate I decided to just give it to you guys now. Plus I recently dealt with loss myself, my other cat Phoebe suddenly started falling ill last week (something in her bone marrow so the vet was saying it'd be cancer) and the vet had no choice but to put her down. So I've lost BOTH my furbabies this year seven months and 17 days apart from each other, (can 2020 just FUCK OFF ALREADY?!!!!!!!!! And Fred I give to you my second fur baby, she's a diva but she's loving and can be sweet. Treat her well like you are with Sassy, and Pheebs, I hope you're no longer in anymore pain and are reunited with your brother and sister at last. Try not to bully Sassy again up in Freddie's cat haven cause you've already done it here on earth.) 


Warnings: Death, loss of a friend/icon, mourning, RIP FREDDIE. Sad Deacy, mentioned affairs (on Rog's part).


The day after Kelly's birthday, Jack flew back with the rest of the family and took the kids with him while I stayed behind in England to be with the one person who I needed to be with. In fact I even stayed at his place along with Terry and Phoebe.

God he—he looked so frail, so fragile, it's almost unbelievable that this was the very man just 11 years ago who looked so fit and healthy and who just six years prior wowed the world on stage before 1.5 billion people. But I won't deny that he still has that same Freddie humor, even when he's—god I can't even bother to say it.

It was my turn to take the afternoon shift of watching Freddie before his doctor came in. On the bed with him was Delilah, his faithful cat who hadn't left his side except when she wanted to be fed or use the litterbox.

I lay there beside Freddie, his faint but raspy breathing was the only thing echoing in the room. My arms were wrapped around him and I heard him softly whisper to me.

"My angel......is that you?"

"Yes Freddie. I'm right beside you." I was told by Jim that due to the AIDS virus, his vision sometimes goes out, almost making him blind at times.

"My rock angel......my protegee.......go into my drawers and pull out the—manilla folder." I stroked his head and got up from the bed and did as he told me.

I went over to his drawer that held his large circular mirror and pulled out the only drawer it had and I soon found the folder he was talking about. I went back over to his bedside and I told him.

"I got it Freddie."

"Open it." He merely told me. I looked at him slightly confused but I opened it as he kept stroking Delilah's back and she purred softly.

Inside the folder I found some legal documents inside for copyright approval of some songs. I pulled the papers out and even though I skimmed most of the legal words and actions there were a few song titles that caught my eye. They read as followed:

Somebody to love.

Killer Queen

In the lap of the gods (revisited)


March of the Black Queen

Ogre Battle

"What is this Freddie? I don't understand."

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