K-9 Protector; Charlie Nelson x reader

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well do I have something in store for you all. Not only do I have the next 3 chapters of Rock Angel ready  for ya'll I've got a Gwilym lee fic for yall. Now I haven't seen Midsomer murders minus reading the fics and watching short clips with our fav. Brian May clone (it's a bummer that I can't watch it sometimes sucks being in America for that reason) so if anything is wrong, PLEASE let me know so that I'll know next time. Okay so in this fic I've included a picture WHICH DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. I'M USING IT FOR VISUAL PURPOSES. And again this was inspired by the movie "A dog's purpose". I hope you all enjoy this fic.

Warnings of use of a gun, and all the other warnings crime shows mention like drugs, kidnapping, violence, angst but FLUFF. Plus cute pupper in it :)


I was currently sleeping when I felt something nuzzle my neck and kiss it. I tiredly smiled but tried to keep my eyes closed.

"Love, I know you're awake. C'mon time to wake up." I moaned tiredly.

"Don't wanna."

"I know, as much as I want to I wish I could just hold you in my arms all day. Not even bother going in today." I then decided to open my eyes and turn around to stare at my boyfriend of 2 years Charlie....oh sorry I should say Detective Sargent Charlie Nelson.

"Why don't we? We could call in sick? Or I could say Nero isn't feeling good and needs both of us to look after him."

"You know they wouldn't believe the second lie. Nero hates me."

"He doesn't hate you." I tried to reason.

"Darling he literally stopped me from getting into bed with you last night." I'll admit Nero's a smart dog but it's unbelievable of how much of a little cockblocker he is. But I guess I can't really hold that against him.

See before I transferred here to Midsomer, I was just a rookie cop back in Winchester. I've always wanted to be part of the K9 unit, it was hard to get into it because of the long wait process but finally I got in and that's when I was partnered up with 9 month old Nero, my German Shepherd. And I just fell in love with him so much that I also went into adopting him into my home.

So I was not only his partner but off work, I was his owner and he was my best friend. Early on I did date a guy an at first I thought he was nice but then when he got pissed because I wasn't spending enough time with him we got into an argument. So much so that he had actually hit me, Nero got so defensive that he charged and chased after him and tore his arm apart.

After getting things settled and breaking things up with him, no charges were pressed against me or Nero and my ex was sentenced to 5 years for assault on a police officer.

It was maybe 6 months after that that my chief transferred me here to Midsomer, coincidently the same time Charlie was transferred from London. We met on a case with Nero needed to track down some druggies involved in a thief crime which turned into a homicide. At first the two of us each time we crossed paths with each other had a playful banter with each other on whether K9 or Detective work was the hardest.

But eventually we started seeing each other, going to dinner after work until finally Charlie got the balls to kiss me and we both confessed our feelings for each other. One thing led to another until finally with the help of Chief Barnaby, we found a house together.

"I think he's still traumatized with the—you know."

"But surely he must know that I would never do a thing like that. I could never bring myself to hurt you, let alone touch you like that."

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