RA: A dedicated performance; Queen + Adam Lambert x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay so this chapter serves as a dedication piece because 5 years ago a tragic event happened. The Orlando, FL Pulse club night shooting.  This event should NEVER have happened, esp. on PRIDE MONTH!!! So my heart goes out to the surviving victims and families who were directly affected by this event, as well as anyone out there (like Adam says in his dedicated performance) who is victim to senseless violence or hatred or homo/transphobia attacks. ALSO THE DRESS BELONGS TO LINDA FRIESEN, I DO NOT OWN THE DRESS, I'M JUST USING HER DRESS AS A VISUAL REFERENCE FOR THE DRESS THE ROCK ANGEL IS WEARING DURING HER PERFORMANCE. 

And in other sad news, the next update of the Rock Angel will be the LAST chapter of the Rock Angel series, which I will post up in 2 parts tomorrow. So until tomorrow my readers, enjoy this short little dedication chapter and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH to all my LGBTQ readers out there.


*June 12th, 2016*

It was all over the news, even our local BBC was covering this horrific event. In Orlando, Florida at the gay club known as Pulse, a horrible, horrible monster open fired and shot dead 49 people and wounded 53 more. After a full 3hr standoff, the gunman was shot and killed by the Orlando police force.

I knew that there would be people who would never understand that the world is changing, hell I grew up with it when it was the norm. Back then law enforcement never took hate crimes seriously whether it was based off of race or sexuality. At least now they give a damn and label these crimes as serious offenses instead of just throwing it under the rug (much like LAPD handled my stalking case).

However it breaks my heart that people must resort to such drastic measures in order to 'protect their world from sin' or out for revenge or whatever bullshit excuse they wanna come up with. It should justify killing hundreds of innocent people and wounding million others. I was currently talking with my youngest son Freddie, who sadly had an ex-boyfriend down at the club at the time of the shooting.

'Thankfully, he's gonna be okay though.' He told me.

"That's great news Freddie. I know Jessie meant a lot to you, and still does."

'Yeah. Even though we broke up because of the distance, I still wanted him in my life. Even though not romantic, he was my best friend.'

"Just like how your father and I started off. Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." He chuckled.

'Well I better get some rest mum. Got that final paper I need to finish up before class on Tuesday. Good luck with the rest of the tour mum. Miss yah.'

"I miss you too my love. Give your dad a kiss for me, and give my regards to Jessie and his family. May he have a speedy recovery."

'Me too. Night mum.' I bid him a final goodnight before hanging up on him. I sighed heavily before hearing more about the shooter and who he was till I just had to shut it off. They should really be talking about the victims.

See it's always the thing with these cases, and I would know cause I went through it too, they always want to shine the spotlight on the killers, rapists, murderers, etc. but by doing that, it only gives them more power (especially if their reason for killing is to become famous). Because all people will know is the name of the monster who did this, but they'll either forget or never know the names of the lives that he took away, or the people he traumatized.

I got out of my dressing room and walked towards Adam's. I knew better than anyone that he must've been affected the most by this devastating event. Sure he didn't have anyone he knew personally down there, but those were his people. His fellow LGBTQ people, being apart of that family, and an event such as hate crimes effects them all no matter if they were there or not. I knocked on his door.

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