Final Destination; AU Ghost! Queen x teen reader

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*Author's note*

And here it is guys, the last and final part of my 3-pt. trilogy fic Legend of the Band. Now here is where a LOT OF ACTION TAKES PLACE SO BUCKLE UP!!!! I want to say thank you to all my readers who wanted to see my Legend of the Band expand further out and as promised I have delivered to you guys not only a second part but a 3rd part as well :)

Warnings: Demons, death, ghost violence, murder (gets detailed towards the end), fluff, angst.


Veronica slowly woke up from her sleep and the first thing she felt was the cold wind blowing against her night gown. She slowly opened her eyes and slowly stood up confused about her surroundings. Last thing she remembered was being in the hospital recovering from her scare, and now she's outside. As she stood up and walked backwards trying to see just where she was at, she got another start as she nearly fell 65m (213ft) to her death. She quickly backed up and she began to realize that she was on the Tower bridge

The very peek of the tower bridge to be exact.

The lights from the bridge lit up the road as she could see cars driving along the bridge going either way.

But Veronica was more scared cause she couldn't remember how she got up here, or even why she would be up there in the first place? She would get her answer when someone came flying across the sky. A demon to be exact, but it wasn't just any demon. It had been the demon that Constantine had warned (Y/n) about, Beelzebub.

His fly-like wings making that loud, haunting buzzing sound that sounded like a swarm of flies. He flew over the bridge and took out his large hunting bow as well as an arrow from his quiver.

"Time to give this town a little more light." He notched the arrow into the bow and soon the arrow tip lit up in Hellfire. He kept his eye on one car in particular that happened to be driving by.

It was Robert's car. And inside it was Robert and (Y/n) heading home after visiting Veronica.

Beelzebub grinned maliciously as he released the arrow right at Robert's car. When it hit close to the back tire of the car, there was a sudden explosion that sent the car spiraling out of control.

Robert and (Y/n) screamed as Robert tried to regain control of his car. But all that did was cause them to go halfway off the bridge. The car slowly rocking forward and back.

About 3 miles away from the tower, John Deacon (with the help of Constantine) hovered over the roof of a building just in time to see the explosion.

"Oh god please no." he softly pleaded.

Finally waking up from their whiplash, Robert and (Y/n) groaned and Robert turned to his daughter and said.

"Are you okay?"

"I think so." The car soon lurched forward. (Y/n) shrieked and held onto her dad's hand. In his mind, Robert knew that there wasn't enough time for him to save his daughter and get her out first before this car decided to plummet into the Thames. So as he felt the car dip again, he grabbed his baby girl tightly and soon the car began to fall towards the Thames.

(Y/n) gripped onto her dad as tightly as she could, both of them preparing for their untimely death. But as they got halfway, something stopped them. (Y/n) opened her eyes and saw that they were now just hanging on mid-drop. But both her and her father could hear the sound of buzzing.

It was then they looked up and they could see Beelzebub holding some kind of rope which held the car in play. He then flew upwards towards the very top of the Tower bridge, all the while Robert kept holding onto his daughter as tightly as he could.

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