Aladdin Queen fic Chapter 1; Marketplace mischief and a chance encounter

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*Author's note*

Well I am SOOO thrilled to see that people are wanting to take this fic seriously now, I was worried that after the introduction I had officially screwed it up, but thank you all to those who are willing to give this fic a chance so I hearby award your patience with the first chapter at last. I hope you all enjoy it and YES I've decided to make this fic a musical style so yes there's gonna be songs from the movie sung by the characters here, if you hate it then just leave, but if you love songfics and musicals, hope you like this :)


People never understand just how hard it is for us to make an honest living. You're always having to resort to stealing in order to get a meal, guards everywhere are always looking for an excuse to arrest someone and it doesn't matter the gender either. Life here in India is a struggle.

And it seemed to get more complicated especially since the kingdom that has allied itself with us, the three English Kingdoms of London, Leicester and Norfolk have come to marry off the three Princes to some of India's well known Princesses, but every time the Princesses are denied and rejected.

Oh guess I'm getting a little too ahead of myself; the name is (y/n). I've lived here in this village district of Agrabah just outside of the main capital of Calcutta. I've lived on my own ever since I was about 8 years old when both my parents died of natural causes. Both within a year of each other first my mother and then my father.

Ever since then I had to live on my wits and become street wise. To this village I'm known either as a street mouse or cunning monkey because I can easily pick-pocket you before you can even blink. But sometimes it does take a team effort, that's where my trusty sidekick Abu comes into play.

He's real charming when he needs to be which is makes him real popular with the ladies giving me the chance to swipe a necklace or bracelet in order to sell it.

Currently Abu and I were looking at some brass pots, pans, bowls, cups anything you can think of when a girl around my age came up and she asked me.

"Aww your monkey is so adorable, what's his name?" I turned to her and answered.


"And where did you find him?"

"Well....." Abu hopped onto her shoulder and walked across it acting his playful and adorable self, keeping the girl distracted as an elder woman probably her mother came up and I reached out and grabbed the cup the woman just purchased and I said. "Ohh sorry ma'am accidentally dropped this, thank you for catching it."

The mother grabbed her daughter as Abu leapt back onto my shoulder and I bid the two of them a good day. However it was short lived when I noticed the mom talk to a guard and the two of them turned towards me.

"Uh-oh." Abu then took off towards the building making his escape while I made my own. I passed and ducked through people and hopped over carriages carrying people's marketed goods. I even had some people yelling at me as I would bump into them telling me to watch where I was going.

I soon met up with Abu as he hopped back onto my shoulder and the two of us jumped over a wall onto a different pathway. I adjusted my shirt and I said as I looked around for any guards.

"How'd we do Abu?" he then revealed the girl's golden necklace. I pocketed it away and scratched behind his head. "Good monkey."

We then took our findings over to Madam Azula, the local dealer for our food for the week. Her shop was crowded with people looking for an honest trade of what they had to offer. But as soon as she saw me, she said not even looking at me.

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