Daughter of Freddie Mercury pt.2

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*Author's note*

@Glitchesmeetbitches and BellaAGDBZ266 I AM SOOO SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU BOTH WAITING FOR SO LONG on pt.2 this semester was just so much with my captone class that was a BIG requirement for me to graduate and all that so I had to make sure I passed it, plus all my other classes, my sister's wedding and of course Awesome con but now that I am out of school I'M BACK BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I hope this pt.2 fills the anticipation I've been leaving you both on and again I apologize for the long wait and I'm also sorry if the ending sucks I felt like I was trying to rush it but I hope it's still good enough for you both. Hope you both as well as everyone else that's been reading my BoRhap stuff likes it even more :)

Warnings: angst, some hints of drugs, fluff, heartache and P**l P***ter (the bastard)


I now was lying on the guest bed in Uncle Deacy's house. My hair now fully wet after just getting out of a bath. Thanks to aunt Veronica who helped to rinse out the dip and anything else that had gotten stuck to my hair, plus also to wash away the champagne smell from my skin.

I lay there on my side motionlessly with tears still dripping out of my eyes every now and them, occasionally sniffling. A soft knock and the door creaked open and I heard Uncle Deacy's voice say.

"Hey, may I come in?" I remained silent. I heard the door shut and felt a dip at the foot of the bed. Silence rang out through the room and that's when I heard Uncle Deacy say. "I've made some hot chocolate downstairs. I know how much that cheers you up."

"I'm gonna end back in the foster home." I finally muttered softly. I knew uncle Deacy's eyes were locked right at me as I heard him say in shock.

"What makes you say that?"

"Not the first time it's been that way." I bluntly stated. I felt his hand on my shoulder and finally I turned towards him and I continued, "Paul's taking him away from me. I can feel it. It happened once before with my third foster dad. The minute he met a girl he no longer wanted me. They hosted parties like that all the time, and then one day he called the foster home telling them he no longer wanted me......." I tried holding back my tears as I tried to get out. "Guess I was never meant to be a part of a family. I'll just be the black plague of this earth....."

"Bullshit!" I looked up at Uncle John and was shocked at his statement. Usually he's calm and collected, rarely does he ever snap but just now he did and I was terrified. He inhaled deeply before exhaling softly and said, "I'm sorry dear, but what you just said is absolute rubbish."

"If it is rubbish, then why hasn't anyone adopted me yet? Why do they always say they'll be there for me when eventually they always leave me?" I asked as I sat up and kept eye contact with him. He stared right back at me, his face completely stoic and I knew I had him in a box.

That was until he lifted his hand and cupped my cheek gingerly and he said to me.

"Close your eyes." I looked at him confused.


"Just trust me love," I sighed heavily and closed them and I heard him say again, "Now I want you to forget everything you see," I felt his hand take my wrist and place it over my chest, right over my heart. "What do you feel?" I soon felt my heartbeat and I said as I opened my eyes.

"My heart." I looked up at Uncle Deacy and he said as he extended his arm.

"Come here." I allowed his arm to wrap around my shoulder and I leaned up against his chest as he held me close and moved my head over his chest allowing me to hear his heartbeat.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें