*Request for SpiderLion* Joe Mazzello

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well this came from my frequent requester that I am always happy to oblige and this time we've gone with a Joe Mazzello fic (since we agree that Joey needs more loving) so I hope you all enjoy this update I have for you. Now I did write a smut version of this story towards the end but for now I want to give you guys a clean version and if I get enough votes or comments about wanting a smut version, I'll probably post that up eventually. So in this fic you are a very beautiful Victoria Secret's model and I also want to say there is a surprise guest in this story (I'll give you a hint, it's not any BoRhap cast members but it is a Marvel actor. I won't tell you who, but you will find out soon enough)

Another thing is that Insecurities are mention but not on the female side, Men can have insecurities too so if your man is feeling insecure, ladies LISTEN TO THEM!! BE THERE FOR THEM!! MAKE THEM FEEL LOVED! Because It's okay for men to be vulnerable and have insecurities, no one has to stay strong when they are hurting.

That's why I'll always choose you

Joe Mazzello x model! reader


I don't know how I ever got lucky to find him. I also can't believe we've been together for 2 years now. It all began back in the gala back in 2016, I was one of the 10 models chosen to walk in the gala Fashion show. My lovely and amazing assistant and dresser Freddie helped me get all dolled up in my fierce "Raven queen" getup.

It was a chain-mail like black dress that reached all the way to the floor with some golden embedded buckles along the front to secure the dress as well as along the breast part up to the shoulders. Along with that I also wore a golden feather-like cape that was gold on the outside but on the inside it was black, the collar come all the way up to the bottom of my hairline. To sell it, Freddie had specially designed just for me, special claw-like finger rings that hung at the tip of my fingers to act like real-live claws.

As he placed the crown on top of my head after putting my long (h/c) into a tight bun.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fabulous darling of them all? You are." I smiled and said.

"Thank you Freddie."

"Also you can unclasp the bottom of the dress to reveal a shorter skirt in case you get the dancing bug, Lord knows I know how much you love to dance."

"Freddie, what would I do without you?"

"You'd be lost and spoiled like all those other hussies out there."

"Hey, you know girls like Mimi and Yaz have good qualities."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah but none of them compare to my darling (y/n). Now you go out there and show them whose the true Queen of the Gala." He then handed me my raven mask and I headed on for the Gala.

With my makeup done all golden glittered to match my eyes but giving me that 'menacing' quality, I was a hit at the Gala along with Gaga, J-Lo and Katy Perry.

As the night went on and Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love" came on, like Freddie said I couldn't help but get bitten by the dance bug. I removed my cape and hung it delicately over my chair before getting up. But as I did, due to the amount of people in the room, I accidentally knocked into someone.

"Oh shit I am soo sorry!"

"It's—it's okay." It was then I looked up to see the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I had ever seen.

"Are—are you sure?"

"Yes your majesty. But it would seem the two of us had the same idea, shall my rudeness for bumping into her royal majesty be to accompany her for a dance?" he said with a over-dramatic bow. I couldn't help but laugh as I said in a posh tone.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat