RA: Meeting the band; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

And here we go folks. The first part of the Rock Angel series. This is the chapter that starts it all, when you the reader first gain the Internship with Jim "Miami" Beach and first meet the band.  Not really much of any warning but I want to tell you the word "suicide" is mentioned. Not towards reader or anyone but fun fact Queen wrote a song called "Don't try suicide" which I'll be willing to link and put up if anyone's interested in listening to it. Remember this is PURE FICTION I am merely just writing for my entertainment purposes and not controlling the lives of the band members of Queen.


*September 5th, 1980*

My name is (y/n) (l/n). Yeah, yeah I know it sounds common but aren't all names like that? I'm 18 years old currently enrolled at University studying music, specifically songwriting and accompaniment, hoping one day to maybe become a Rockstar like all the top ones like David Bowie, Elton John, but above all else, Queen.

Yes the famous rock and roll band that came out in the 70's and just skyrocketed the charts. Doing something that no other artist has done in history. Combining genres, mixing them up to create a master piece, like their song Bohemian Rhapsody.

Ohh I will never forget the first day I heard that song on the radio, in fact that song is what inspired me into wanting to also study music accompaniment, maybe I could get that creative and maybe mix some genres of my own one day, or mix up different instruments like they do.

And I'll never forget the first time I saw Queen in concert. It was my 16th birthday and a friend of mine had a brother who was working backstage as a stage handler for a Queen concert they were going to do in London, so my friend managed to nab two tickets for us and that night changed me forever. I had fallen more in love with the band than ever before.

So when the time came for University and Jim Beach, the current manager for Queen themselves had announced to my University that he was looking for an intern to help him manage the band, of course I jumped at the chance to do it. Of course I was one of hundreds if not thousands of students trying to get the same internship, plus I'm just a freshman at this point so the chances of me getting that well.....

One in a million.

Well it seemed my parents were smiling at me from Heaven because the following week at my flat that I shared with my boyfriend, I got a letter from Jim Beach himself telling me that he had accepted my internship, thinking that this internship could help me more by gaining more experience firsthand.

So here I am. Standing right outside Trident studios ready to start my new semester off as an intern to Jim Beach and potentially Queen.

I took a deep breath and entered inside.

Inside I could see some people walking through the lobby. I walked up to a woman who was sitting at the front desk and I said to her.


"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes I'm here to see Jim Beach, I'm (y/n) (l/n)."

"Oh yes the student intern, just have a seat and I'll phone Mr. Beach of your arrival." I thanked her and took my seat while she phoned up Mr. Beach. I waited and waited for about five minutes until finally a man with cowlicked grey hair, wearing a full on grey suit came down and he came up to me and said my name.


"Welcome to Trident records, I'm Jim Beach." He held out his hand and I shook it as I said.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon