Disney Queen style fanfic?

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Hey guys sorry this isn't an update, but something has been running through my mind lately ever since I saw the Live action version of Aladdin.

How would everyone like to see a Queen based fanfic kinda centered around the story of Aladdin? However it would be as followed.

So the setting will take place in an India setting (so I'll need to do some research) and the three boys of Queen; Roger, Bri and Deacy are the Princes of three kingdoms of England who are set to marry three Indian Princess to unite a unity between England and India.

YOU the reader will play a female version of Aladdin, a street-wise girl who meets both Deacy and Roger on the streets and helps them out but gets a little too close with our lovely Deacy. (So yes this will be a John Deacon story)

And of course if you think I'm stupid to NOT include the legend Freddie Mercury YOU ARE CLEARLY STUPID. OF COURSE HE'S GONNE BE IN IT. How do you guys feel about him playing the genie character? I just feel with how cheeky and sometimes mischevious he appears on stage and certain interviews he'd make a PERFECT genie?

And then from there it just follows the Aladdin plot. So what do you all think of this idea? Let me know in the comments if anyone's interested in reading this fic?

Thank you all for your time my lovely darlings :)

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