*Combined request* Freddie Mercury pt.1

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*Author's note*

Okay first of all to the two requestors who requested this story I APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY FOR GETTING THIS SOOOO LATE. Glitchesmeetbitches and BellaAGDBZ266 I was trying to figure the best way to combine the two fics, plus writer's block hit me hard towards the end but hopefully this part 1 shall suffice your needs and hopefully by around Spring break once I finally get some free time away from midterms coming up tomorrow as well as next week, I can sit down and get pt.2 over and done with. As for warnings just the typical swearing, some angst, fluff, and of course the biggest warning of them all, Paul Prenter. Anyway I'll stop talking and let you all read these fics and hope you enjoy part 1 :)


Daughter of Freddie Mercury pt.1

Freddie Mercury x pre-teen/teen reader


*December 1978*

It all began with a conversation between Freddie and Mary. Freddie had just come back from yet another world tour and he was sitting with Mary in their living room on their couch. She was resting on his chest while he stroked her hair with one hand while the other hand was stroking his cat Romeo who was napping just on the other side of him.

"You know what would make this moment even more perfect my love?" Freddie suddenly spoke up.

"What is that?" Mary asked as she nuzzled herself closer to Freddie's chest.

"A child." Mary looked at Freddie in shock. Freddie looked at her and asked, "What?"

"Freddie.....it's just that....we've never really talked about having children yet. Plus you're always touring, how will we ever find time to even try for a baby."

"There is another option we can try for." He fully turned to face Mary and explained to her, "The last concert we did, the stadium was raising money for charity benefits for the foster children programs of Seattle. Apparently one of their foster care houses was falling to pieces, barely able to keep their kids safe and warm at night. I myself asked Terry to let me see the housing itself and oh Mary it was truly horrible. The windows were cracked, the bricks were almost crumbling. It looked more like a prison than a foster care housing. There wasn't even a playground for the children to play in. But thanks to our concert in Seattle, that foster housing will be able to get the full makeover it deserves. Mary, I think we can make a difference and give a misfitted child a second chance at love. Just like what the band stands for as a band."

"Freddie, you have to be sure. A child is a huge responsibility. They're not like an instrument that you can just put aside till you're ready to play with them again."

"I understand my love. And I won't. We won't. I believe we can do this. Let's make a child happy and show them that someone is ready to take them home to a beautiful mother that will give them all the love in the world, and a father who is ready to spoil them to oblivion."

Mary looked at Freddie with soft eyes and she told him as she cupped his face with her right hand.

"If you're sure, I'll....I'll look around and find the nearest foster care home and see if any children are available for adopting. Do you have a preference?"

"A girl, I've always imagined having a little girl that I could spoil and give her all the riches of the world. But also protect her from the nasty little boys that try to tempt her." Mary smiled and shook her head playfully at him. And it was then they officially agreed together.

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