*Request for AquaTaylor03* Queen x teen reader

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*Author's note*

Okay so this was a request in the LONG MAKING! Because this could be a new potential series much like my Rock Angel series but I wanna see what you, the readers, all think about this idea. Now this specific idea has been buzzing in and out of my mind at the time and thanks to AquaTaylor03 they read my mind and this story was born. 

Now for this series as we go on, it'll be slightly more mature than my Rock Angel series, with some more darker themes (cause this is the 70's. Sex, drugs AND R&R but again this'll depend if I keep up with the story as much as I have for the RA series but we shall see). So as mentioned before this will be literally be the start as Queen is formed and reader will grow up alongside them. And I'll even do face cast gifs for certain characters that'll be important to this reader's life.

Now themes for this opening chapter since we are in the circus there is themes of animal abuse (WHICH IS WRONG. ANIMAL ABUSERS SHOULD BE MURDERED RIGHT ON THE SPOT) so just the name is mentioned, I DON'T HAVE ANY ACTIONS ACTUALLY WRITTEN IN. Also I want you all to listen to the song choices I have provided for you to help get you all into the story.

I know this is a lot but I hope you all give this 1st part of a potential long series a chance just like you all did for Rock Angel. Enjoy my lovelies :)

Greatest show-woman!

Queen x teen reader


*April 14th, 1973*

The life of a rockstar was a challenge. When you've given everything you've got and put all your time and energy into making one single album all the while balancing university on top of that, the boys of the newly named band Queen were as nervous wrecks as they were waiting for the next couple of months before their first album would hit the shelves.

Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, Brian May and John Deacon all shared a flat together in central London and with finals coming around in the next few weeks, Deacy was hard at work studying frantically while Brian was piecing some more of his dissertation for his astrophysicist degree.

"God I swear if this album doesn't shoot us off into the stratosphere, I'm gonna crack and tear the music critics apart!" Roger's voice could be heard on the other side of front door. Soon he and Freddie came in after working their shop at Kensington Market selling off old and antique clothes. "Plus I haven't forgotten you selling my van."

"Don't be so dramatic darling. At least we got the album done. Now it's just up to Trident in getting it all pieced together and distribute it out into the world. Soon everyone will know the name Queen within a year's time. Just you wait."

"Yeah, and then you can buy all the cars you want to fuck Roger." Brian joked as he looked up from his paper.

"You know what Brian....."

"If you lads would like to brawl like barbarians please do it outside. If I fail this major exam, I won't be able to graduate by this time next month." Deacy sneered. "And if I do fail, I promise to never fix the water heater the next time it goes out."

"Oh Deacy darling you wouldn't dare!" gasped Freddie.

"Try me."

"Alright, alright. God I wish we had a bigger place. I'll just be happy if we even sell any records at all." Roger said tiredly as he collapsed on the couch.

"You and me both Roger." Said Brian. The phone soon rang and Freddie raced up and picked it up.

"Queen's household and boarding how may we help you?"

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