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"Mum, give me the confidence i need...thank you." I said as i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It was officially finals day. I had made sure to get up extra early for school today so as to be able to do some extra studying right before the exam. I walked down the stairs of my house and made my way into the kitchen. I decided to cook a full meal for me and my brother since i had a lot of time to spare. And i mean A LOT. I took out some eggs, bread and bacon and started cooking. After a while, my brother had finished getting ready and was heading down the stairs towards me. "Mmmm. i smell delicious food!" I turned and smiled at him, placing a plate filled with eggs, bacon and buttered toast on the table right in front of him.

"That's yours. Dig in." I said as i sat down on the opposite side of him.

"You know, i love it when you have exams. because you always miraculously manage to wake up early and cook a magnificent meal. But i hate that you always over stress yourself and end up cooped up in your room the whole day. I swear, it's not good for you." My brother said as he started munching his food.

"Haha. Must be the nerves i guess. Also, you just said that you hate and love the fact that i have exams...which is it, exactly?" I asked as i eyed him.

"Hmm, love-hate relationship." He said as he plastered a cheeky smile on his face and continued munching.

"Yeah, sure.." I replied as i got up and put my dish in the sink. "Well, could you help me wash my dish? Cause I gotta head to school already."

"Yeah, no prob." Replied my brother.

"Thanks," I said as i grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.

"Oh and (Y/N)?...Good luck."

I smiled. "Thanks."

(Time Skip)
I was currently walking along the hallways of Kunugigaoka as i tried my best to jam in the last bits of notes i had with me into my head. As i walked along the hallways, everyone stared at me. Which i had to say, I was quite used to since i was one of the smartest people in the school but i was in the E-class. I guess to them, it just didn't bode well. As I neared the classroom that I was going to, I closed up my notebook and started walking without reading again. Yes. It was important to me to be able to get every last hit of information into my brain but I also knew my classmates. We were different. And I was sure none of them brought notes to study with right before the examination. I also knew about the bet they made with the A class and didn't want to overly stress them out. Yes, grades were the most valuable things to me, well one of the most, but I wasn't heartless. So, for the sake of the class, I refrained from studying the minute I entered the classroom. Also, because it might be better for me this way too.

"Hey! (Y/n)!" Shouted Rio, as she bounded you to me the minute I entered the classroom. I just nodded at her. "Hey Rio, Nagisa and..." "That's Ritsu's replacement. Since Karasuma Sensei couldn't get the principal to agree to letting an AI take the examination." Whispered Rio. "Ah, I see."

After a while, everyone had already arrived and it was time for the examination to start. I wished everyone good luck before settling down into my seat and taking a deep breath. Alright, let's go.

Hey guys! It your author here! So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Just a little side note, I kinda have to rewatch the anime to make sure I'm on the right track so the progress and updates of the chapters might be a little slow. Also, I have class tests coming up so I kinda need to focus on those too. So I probably won't be updating for some time. In the next two weeks...sorry about that. But I'll try my best to continuously upload!

It is currently 10.20pm over here. Have a lovely night everyone! 😴😴

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