Chapter 22- Girl's Best Friend

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"Dad what are you doing in here?" I said holding my bathrobe tightly becoming uncomfortable.

"Matthew its me, let me in!" My mama said in a loud whisper.

She entered in moving next to my father side.

"Is everything or right mama? Whats going?"

"Shut up Beyonce! Now you no as your parents we raised you better. We let yall go out to that after party and all that came back to us was how you had yourself up there flirting with grown men." My dad said raising his voice.

"Dad I-"

"Shut your mouth Beyonce!" My mama said." Nobody asked you to speak you think because you soon 19 you have rights in this house. The devil is a lier. You wanna be flirting with these bunch of men and opening your legs."

"Mama I did not do-"

"Didn't I tell you shut up when we're talking uh? You want me slap your face of your body uh? Don't you say another word. Hurry up bathe your skin and head to bed. That birthday you was excited for you can forget because the only thing you doing is sitting your ass home."

They exited the bathroom and slammed the door. I was shocked. What did I do? Who guy was I flirting with? The only thing I did at the party was danced. I didn't flirt with any guy. Me starring at Jay was nothing people hardly recognized.

I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. I swiftly moved into my room and locked the door behind me. I wasn't into any of my parents foolishness. It was inconsiderate of them, how do they plan to enhance our communication if I never have a piece to say in something concerning my life.

It was around 9. As I was about to turn off my room light Jay called.

"Good Night baby girl."

"Good Night how you been?"

"Good. Whats great with you?"

"Nothing much. I just got tag teamed by my mama and dad. They came here talking about me flirting with some man at the VMAs after party last month. Which means my birthday will be a stay at home time."

"Wow ma. Was it because of me I mean when you looked around and saw me or was it with the guys who was dancing around you that night?"

"I have no idea."

"It will be fine baby just give it sometime."

"Baby?" I said. A long pause came across the phone line.

"Am I not allowed to give you nicknames?"

"No nicknames are fine. And Baby is even sweeter. It just made my night a bit better."

"Thank You. So um can we talk more about you?"

"Sure! What you got for me?"

"Tell me about you life growing up."

"Well um.. I was born and raised in H-Town. My father was a sales man and my mama was a hairstyles and fashion desginer. She then had me and named me Beyonce which was after her madien name she just changed the "I" where the "O" is in my name. I have one sister Solange. I went to a private school were I met Kelly, Letoya and Tavia. We became friends and got interested in music."

"How did you fine out you wanted to be a singer?"

"My dance teacher discovered me. My mama put me in alot of pagents, dance classes, music classes and stuff like that. I was always shy but she would always use me as an example and one evening she was ttying to hit a note and didnt so I finished it for her."

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