Chapter 68- Its Just Emotions

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As the warm sun invaded the smooth surface of my face I rolled over towards Jay's face which was plastered with a smile across it. Flickering my eyes, I finally opened it as he pulled me closer, causing me to fall into his soft warm arms.

"Morning sunshine."

"Morning baby." I said burying my small face into his chest. Its already been 2 weeks for him and I as we explored the beautiful seas of South of France.

Planting a soft kiss on my forehead, he crawled down towards my nose and pecked it.

"Hmmm.... What you wanna do today?" He asked bitting the tip of my nose.

"Eat. We can shop around a little bit"

"Yea. Sounds like a plan to me. Lets see where's the next stop and then we can go from there."

"Okay. I've been waiting for this." I said stretching my arms around his neck.

Pulling me on top of him I placed my hands on his chest as I pulled his nose.

"How much you looking to spend?" He asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"I got a few thousands changed so I'll know when I get there."

"Thats not what I asked. So how much?"

"Jay? I can-"

"I just need an amount  $500,000; 1 million "

"Jay? Hold on."

"Okay since you can't decide I'll just wait for you at the cash register.."

"Jay you're already bringing everyone over here, thats just to much."

"I'm here to make sure you have a good vacation. So don't start stressing." He said gripping my ass.

Finally aiming for my lips he planted a wet kiss that trailed down to my neck. Before Jay could move his hands into my underwear the butler intruded as he waited outside the door for our answer to come in. Placing hot breakfast on the table in our yacht bedroom he exited leaving Jay and I to finish.

"You want strawberries?" I asked softly as I slurred my words into his ears.

"Sure. Place it at my favorite eating spot." He said causing me to laugh.

Sliding of Jay's stomach I placed my feet on the ground as the warm air slapped against my naked body that was covered in a see-through dress exposing my hard nipples and ass that moved back and forth.

Slowly and seductively I collected the freshly purchased strawberries and glide over to the bed where Jay layed his head.

After breakfast, we took a quick shower together and then headed to our next island.

My toes sunk into the mellow smooth sand of the beach. Its been about 2 weeks since we've started our vacation and I was loving it. Every morning I woke up around 10'clock to Jay nibbling on my neck, even though he had issues to face back home he left that all behind to make sure this was a stress free trip.

After collecting a few things from a little store on one of the islands and a few clothes store for me; Jay and I headed back onto the yacht. After putting away our items in the room we headed on deck which was clearly our favorite place. Lying on his back with his left knee bended I creep my hands around his stomach as a smile to appear.

"What happen?" He said with a smirk across his face.

"Nothing. I just really enjoy us spending time together. It never gets old."

"I enjoy it too." He said stretching his hands to sweep my face.

"I really love you Jay..... Its random but I had to say it. Its a feeling I have with you that I can't explain. Its like a bond between souls and I love it. I appericate it and everything you've done for me. I appericate your time, patience, love, passion, wisdom, laugh, smile, kisses....... sex... I really am thankful for the day you looked at me and speaked over my life that I would be yours. I don't think another man could do for me 1/4 of what you've already done. I might have not given you my hands or a child but trust me you've got my life and heart whenever you go." I said looking into his eyes as he wiped away my straying tears.

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