Chapter 35- What They Gonna Do

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I am a very lazy girl, which shouldn't be a trait at all for a woman but I am. I am lazy, unorganized, messy but I love to eat. I can't stand a junky place for to long but I can be unorganized. So it was know surprise that it took me a while to absorb the fresh smell, shining wooden floors, well organized and nicely design home of Jay.

I stood there for about 2 minutes in the same spot just moving my neck. It was a nicely furnished place with black leather living room set. He had a big television set that sat in front of a glass table. The clean white walls were covered with photos and vinyl sets of his albums. As I stepped further into his home I recognized a few family photos and a huge photo of a dark woman with big cheeks like Jay.

"This mustbe mama Gloria here right?" I said point to the huge photo that hung above the fire place.

"Yea thats my mama. She is nearing 60 in a few years and she is as strong as can be." He said coming up behind.

I looked around his place trying to make myself comfortable. Being in Jay's house with just the two of us had my mind racing. In no which way was I caving into temptations because we weren't official.

"You like it so far?" He said taking two bottle of waters from his refridgetor and placing them on the table in front of the tv.

"I am in love with it. This is amazing"

"This is my first and ever home by myself. Mama taught I deserved something nice so she protested that I get something mind-blowing. You can take a seat on the couch." He said switching on the TV.

"So this is what we gonna do for the rest of the time."

"Well to be honest I don't want you in no trouble even though you already in it so we can just talk to easy your troubled mind."

"What are talking about?"

"You and your career."

"What about it?" I asked taking a seat on the couch next to him.

"Well, what are your intentions. I know you got a movie coming up soon in ATL and you haven't spoken about your dreams outside of DC."

"Well, I am kinda of having a hard time excepting the fact that we are taking a break from eachother. I mean Kelly is off doing her own thing, Michelle is doing what she love which is gospel music and well me I am just not ready to take on being an artist by myself."

"Bey. You do know that if anyone can be a star its you right?"

"I mean I know but we came in it together and I want us to stay like that. Sisters and a team."

"Bey you gotta except change. You got your parents deciding everything for you when are you gonna start doing something for yourself."

"I'm just afraid of the outcome for things. Having a beautiful voice and all these amazing ideas are great but not being able to execute them is hard."

"Okay, so lets make a deal. You come up a few ideas and few songs, no one has to know. You are well trained already in this. Whenever you are ready go to your label and let them no you have a few ideas for your own album and if needed I'm there whenever."

"Thank You and you might be needed for everything. Because people in this industry can be messy and scary"

"I know its just what it is until you take charge of your own career you will always be the money makers for others."

Jay and I talked about everything for about another hour. When the clock striked two he decided to take me home so he would have enough time and energy to make it back home safely. It was refreshing to see how interested in my career and life he was. Not once did he mention sex or bothered to make a move.

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