Chapter 71- Is She|He The Reason

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As my eyes scanned the screen of my cellphone I took in a huge gulped, my throat samed to have caught a lump in it as I read Kelly's text message over and over again. My mind became clouded with thoughts that samed to over take my mind. What if she tried to hurt herself? What if that 'man' hurt her, or tried to hit her? What if she was on the brick of ending her life?

A loud gasp shuttered through the SUV unconsciously as I tried to not overract but unfortunately it was already to late.

"Bey? Baby you or right?" Jay asked turning the car's ceciling light on.

"Its Kelly... she asked to me come by my apartment, she's there already and she wants to see me. She said its an emergency." I stumbled out trying to erase the images of Kelly being hurt and screaming for help.

"Bey she'll be fine. Let me call Emory to tell him go over there. He's at my place so he'll be there in five." Jay said dialing Emory's number. "Bey it will be okay." He said trying to comfort me but honestly I was hearing it.

As I sat in the SUV that was moving at  a rapid pace I moved my legs up and down nervously as I rubbed Jay's hands trying to calm myself. I would be any help to Kelly if she was upset and I couldn't calm down to think and talk her through this situation.

As I pulled out my cellphone about to shoot Kelly another text I was interrupted but an incoming call. The number showed up "unknown" and I became curious as I pressed the green phone button. Slowly I pushed the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said nervously.

"Bey, its me Em'. Kelly is right here." He said. Although I knew he was trying to calm my nervous his voice had another tone to it, the sound of disbelief.

"Whats wrong Emory? Tell me! Is my best friend okay? Is she hurt?"

"Bey she's find, I just contacted the doctor and she's on her way. Kelly was seconds away from knocking herself out."

Tears started to build up around my eyes as I crumbled into Jay's arms. I couldn't think straight. What if I had opened my apartment door to see my best friend lying there? What if I found her unresponsive? What she had killed herself? The thoughts weren't helping me to realize how much worst things could've been but how foolish I was to not come to her rescue immediately after she spoke about hurting herself.

The SUV finally came to a hault. Stripping away from Jay I hopped out of the car and immediately sprinted for the stairs. My body had gained boost from fear as I rushed to the 4th floor hoping to see Kelly.

Pushing the exit door opened I launched towards my apartment door that was swinging open. Emory stood by the door as he watched my body moved towards him breathless and fearful. As soon as I made it to the door he gripped my waist, pulling me into him for a much need hug of comfort.

"Bey she'll be or right. Nothing to major, their taking her pressure, checking to make sure her heart is at regualr rate. It will be fine."

"Thank You." I said through my drips of tears.

"Anytime sis."

"Em'? What happened?" I said stepping into my apartment only to be hit in the face with a strong scent of what smelled like a bleached and weed.

"Bey. I think its best for Kelly to tell you." He said opening the windows to cast the scent out.

Slowly, I walked towards the hallway and into the room that I knew they probably found Kelly in. As I watched the doctor careful shove a needle in her arms I surveyed the room that had a huge bag of white powder upon the nightstand. Moving towards it slowly, I glances at Kelly knowing that it was cocaine.

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