Chapter 82- The Roc Boy

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Beyoncé POV

I sat across the doorway facing Jay's linen closet as my mind battled back and forth. My heart started to beat against my chest as I wonder how and why I would make such a bold move without hurting someone. I placed my hands around my stomach trying to push the butterflies away, I was nervous, like my first time performing all over again.

I stared at my phone watching the digital clock on my blackberry. With every strike I became nervous as morning started to come into viewed. I got up from the closet floor, picking up my cellphone as I headed towards the bed.

The glaze of the morning sky, came through Jay's bedroom window as I gathered my thoughts together one last time. After a few more hours of deep thoughts I realize that it was either my father accepting Jay and letting me be happy or him chasing Jay away and losing me. Either way, I wasn't going to allow myself to live in regrets.

I shook my head confirming the agreement with myself as I turned to glance at a sleeping Jay. A smile danced across my face as I slowly raised my hands toward his face tracing his lips before softly planting a kiss upon them. I watched as he remained still, resting peacefully. Quickly, I swung my feet across the bed on the floor as I quickly peeked through the long draped white curtians allowing the morning sun to creep into the room.

I moved towards the bedroom, taking deep breaths trying to avoid thinking about today. Stripping of my clothes, I turned on the shower allowing the water to transition from cold to hot.
Stepping into the shower, I eased my body down allow the warm sensation to cover my skin.

After a quick shower, I dried of, brushed my teeth, untangled my hair and lotioned my body. Closing the door behind I motioned myself towards the closet, picking my jeans pants and white tee up from the floor. I slipped on my white thong shoes before zipping up my bags.

Pulling out the two suitcases from the closet I crawled into bed onto Jay. Throwing my feet on both sides of Jay's legs I kissed around his face before biting his lips which caused him to moved. With one last tugged his eyes shattered opened.

Sleepishly, he twist under my body as he stretched his hands above his head bringing them down towards my back. Plastering on a confident and exciting smile I looked at him.

"Morning baby. We have 2 more hours before our departure. Go bathe while I find something for us to snack on." I said battering my eyes.

I looked at Jay as he searched my face, trying to find a inch of doubt. Hopefully things goes as I intended.

"Ahh... yea... give me minute." He said. Leaning down towards him I planted a soft kiss upon his lips.

With in a few short hours Jay and I found ourselves sitting across from eachother as our plane flew across the sky heading towards Los Angeles. The calming view from the sky was relaxing as I tilted my head backwards in peace. Time and time again Jay would swap his hands across my thick thighs stopping my feet from moving up and down.

Finally we arrived at LAX airport, throwing my Chanel bag across my shoulder I gripped Jay's hand as we headed towards our awaiting SUV. While I was on the plane I recieved a text from my mother assuring me that everything was in place. Even though I wanted to do things all by myself it was partially impossible so I had to call my mother.

Sending her a text message, I let her know we were on our way. She had managed to put together a quick family dinner and she was all in for Jay and my dad talking.

"You ready Bey?" Jay said swinging his head towards me.

"Yea. Like never before." I said taking a deep breath.

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