Chapter 54- My Man (23rd B-Day)

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I stood by the door admiring the slender, solid, sexy figure lying in my bed. The way her ass sat up in the thong was turning me on but then it finally clicked. Never in a million years have I ever had a woman patiently waited for me. To see a sexy figure in my bed, sleeping, wearing my t-shirt gave me chills. A boost to my ego came over me as I thought about how many guys wanted her and the one that had her couldn't get her in their home but she was in my bed.

Gleefuly I walked quietly towards to the bed. Kicking my shoes to the side and removing my jacket, I crawled my arms around her wasit and then pulled my feet in the bed. I brought her closer to me as I buried my head into her neck. Her hips started to move towards my dick which made it hard and assured me she was about to wake. I started kissing down her neck as I moved my thumb up and down her tummy, As I felt the movement in her neck I raised my head and came in contact with her full volume eyes. Piercing back at mines I felt a feeling of loving overshadow the atmosphere as she bite down on her bottom lips.

"Good evening baby." I said pulling her head on my chest.

"Hi baby." She said kissing me through my shirt.

"Sorry for waking you. You just looked so cute sleeping in my t-shirt."

"Thank You. I wanted to be comfortable so this is what I threw on."

"You look comfortable and sexy. I love it.'' I said pulling her ontop of me.

"How was your day?" She said kissing my neck.

"Umm.. alot better now that I have you but other than that album, raps, flows and ideas... I'm ready to wrap this shit up."

"Baby this all takes time honey."

"I know but I want it over with. I can't wait for our final concert then I am a fully committed CEO."

"I can't wait. Then I no longer have to listen to my dad musical ideas and business ideas.''

"He got some wisdom but you gonna have to apply new wisdom because music is changing. But in another note whats happening for this 23rd birthday?"

"Umm... I don't know. I was think about a dinner, movie and then home where I can have you wrapped up in my arms."

"Hmmm.. You got me now. So tell me what you gonna do first."

"Okay. First I wanna suck your big full lips. Leave hickeys all over your neck, slide down to soft warm stomach. Grind back and forth up and down you stomach. Dance my way over to your big thick cock. Slide it down nice and easy. Ride it smooth and pop that ass just the way you like it." She said whispering seductively in my ear. Within seconds my dick was at attention.

"Can we speed up the process now? I mean a pre-birthday ring off won't be so bad now would it?"

"Jay no! I promise you that no matter the time I will make sure you get what you want." She said sitting up on my stomach and bending down to peaking my lips.

"Mhhhmmmm.. I'll remind you of that promise."

Bey and I stayed up until 12 talking about any and everything as I caress her thighs and hand. Every waking minute with her was a breath of fresh air. My anxiety level rose as I watched her sleep.

Within hours she would be wake and getting her surprise party. I turned over towards my night stand and grabbed my phone. Quietly I tiptoe out the bed towards the bathroom door.

By 8 o'clock I wanted all her gifts here in the frontroom waiting for Bey when she awakes. Along with that her breakfast that I hired a chef to come in and cook.

It was already 6am and the sound of my buzzer rang of. Answering it I buzzed the chef up. Ty had came early to help sort out the presents and Emory my other friend was here as well.

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