Chapter 80- Baby I Swear Its Dé Ja Vù

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Baby I can't get over you. Everything I see is you and I don't don't want no subsitute baby I swear its De Ja Vu

My lips collided on Rodney's cheek for the 10th time today. It probably already has a purple bruise. I couldn't stop thanking him for the incredible song he managed to work out. Among many other producers Rodney just so happened to be the one I felt more drawn too. I loved his spirit and endless ideas that he continued to throw at me.

"Ha. I love you so much Rodney." I squealed as I shaked my head like a 12 year old. I was excited and just with this one song I had already foreseen the album.

I pulled out my notepad as I sat around the LA studio with my cousins Marlon and Angie. Solange was suppose to be on her way and since Jay decided to keep Julez in NYC she would have some free time on her hand to help out with some songs.

"So most definitiely Dé Ja Vù is one of the songs. I want a native hertiage cheography for it. I love-I really love that West African vibe that I feel when those drums come in. Like this song sounds so musicially inclined. You can hear and feel the horns. I love it.'' I said expressing myself.

''I definitiely think it would be big. I can even see Jay throwing in a little mixes into it." Angie said.

"Ah. No. Not this one. I am not too sure I want his hands in the mix of this one." I explained.

"It was good enough for Dangerously in Love but not this one." Angie spat getting a little bit heated.

"Calm down Angie I really dont want the same people on my first album on this one too. I need to do different. Maybe he would like it but I'm not sure yet." I said calmly.

"Maybe we can shop it around a bit. I know Jay would like to hear it and I want him to hear too because I think he can blend some 808s in it and add a few mixes." Rodney voiced.

"I'll see. Okay so Dé Ja Vù, Green light, Resentment, Sugar Mama, Kitty Kat, Flaws and All... so far thats what everyone is vibing with right so I can take it to the head."

"Yea I like it." Angie replied.

"Its sounds good to me." Marlon seconded.

"Sure. Just make sure Hov catch a spin on those songs. He can help out."

"Okay, so I'm gonna shop these around because I think they are trying to come up with some world tour ideas already and they need a single out by late June and its the closing in of March. So I know its going to be tough."

"Well you need to come up with ideas quick Beyonce. Like fast and I don't know whats going on with you and Hov but you need to talk it through." Rodney said.

"Ugggghhh.... That man.... is a man!" I said becoming aggrevated.

The night ran smoothly until my eyes gave way ensuring me it was sleeply. Or maybe I'm just tired. I headed to the Bel-Air hotel with my driver in the back of my black SUV. All I wanted was a body massaged, hot tea and fried wings and about a four hours sleep.

We arrived at the hotel in 40 minutes, I hopped out the car and headed towards the back enterance. I really wish this was one of those NYC nights where I came from a concert, head on a jet and then dashed straight into the arms of Jay. Unfortunately, I was being bitten in my ass for all my disobedience.

Since Jay found about me recording new music from everyone but me he's been acting up. I guess the saying was right, what goes around comes back around. He has refused to speak to me about anything regarding my actions until he and I are both to face.

I didn't have much of a choice but to speak to him face to face because now my body was responding awkwardly. Lately, I've been craving his touch or found my self yanking sheets at the imaginable pleasure I wish he could give me right now.

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