Chapter 58- Ain't Nothing Tear Us Apart.

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Shawn POV

I sat in my seat of my new private jet. As a gift to myself, I purchased it for my new position. It was suppose to be celebrated with Bey and I but like always she had business of her own. I had fears of shit like this happening. Bey and I knew what we wanted but I was afraid she would lose that hope once she starts her career officially solo & DC3 ended.

The thoughts of Bey and I together in the near future was looking very dim. She was always away and as simple as her not accepting my call was starting to concern me.  I never once thought about marriage, family, children until I met her and I didn't want her to get my hopes high about it and then leave.

I tried her phone several more times and they were still heading to voicemail. In the next few minutes I would be touching down in LA and I couldn't wait to hear her excuse.

The plane final landed and I wasted no time with getting in the awaiting SUV. I sat down in the backseat and survey the bright lights and warm weather that overshadowed LA. It was about 8 in the morning so I knew Bey would be getting up by now.

The driver pulled up to the back enterance of the LA hotel that Bey was staying. Quickly I hopped out and headed straight towards the frontdesk. After retrieving Bey's room number I sprinted towards the elevator.

Within 60 seconds I was already on the 5th floor headed towards her room. I didnt bother to think about what I was doing but I just started knocking in her room door. In a few seconds a yawning Bey opened the door dressed in an oversized white t-shirt. After a while she focused her weary eyes on the image in front her.

"Jay? What are doing here?" She said coming to the realization that I was in front of her.

"If you would've picked up your fucking phone, make time for me and atleast spend a few hours at my apartment like you used to then I wouldn't be." I said trying not to sound harsh.

"Where is all of this coming from?" She said acting confused.

"Beyonce... I rang your cellphone all yesterday, all this morning and you didnt bother to pick up. We havent even seen eachother in a while and I stand here in front of you and look at me like I am your friend or one of your employers that you are tired of seeing."

"Jay I just got up. What do you expect?"

"For you to atleast make time. Since you've been in LA you have not once made it your business to come over to NYC and spend time with me. Not once. You couldn't even answer your phone the least to just show me you cared or was interested. Thats not love. Thats a one way street relationship."

The room was silent for a while as she walked over to her bed. I knew I might of sounded a little harsh on her but it wasn't my intentions.

"I'm sorry. I was a little caught up in the DC thing and I can't blame you for being mad, but I can't stop my career for it to revolve around you Jay. I will try to make time but you have to realize where I stand."

"Wow! So what now? You're just gonna squezze me in whenever you have a free 5 minutes during getting your hair and nails done?"

"Jay its not like that. I'm sorry if it comes out harshly but its not my intention." She said walking up to me.

"You got some thinking to do. When your done you can find a little 2 mintues in between to call." I said turning around to leave.

"Jay don't be like that. At 23 you would've seriously loved your work more than me."

"Yea but atleast I would've made time for you and not squeeze you in like a favor."

Walking closer to me she wrapped her hands around my waist. I wasn't angry at her I was just upset. She stood there looking at me trying to grasp eye contact with me but I refused.

"Jay! Stop it." She said squeezing me tightly as smashed her head into my chest.

Creeping up to my neck she started placing soft kiss around it until she got to my lips.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll make as much time possible for you." She said through soft pecks on my lips that made me wanna cry. The feeling of her lips against mines send tinglings down my spine.

In no time she and I were wrapped up underneath the hotel sheet; as she played with my chest and lips until she fell asleep.

Beyonce POV

The DC3 tour had officially started. We were heading all over the place together and this will be our first ever world tour. Throughout the tour we were schedule to make award apperances at the BET awards & MTV awards. I was super excited because we were going to be honored.

As for my dad he was chew down on me about my relationship with Jay. Since Jay had signed his new artists word has been floating around that he was smashing one of them. Wither or not it was true I was torn but I had alot going on that was to much to add pressure down on me.

With news like that being circulated I had to separate myself and focus on me. Jay and I with out a doubt would be speculated in our relationship but it didn't bother me to much until a while ago.

Its been three days since I've spoken to Jay. He and I were not having the best of terms as far as our relationship goes. Although I was trying to make time for him I couldn't hold onto my promises. Every time I seeked to make a step towards progressing I was knocked back 20 steps because of the rumors being fed to me daily by my dad.

I had attempted to approach Jay about them but didn't bother to. My dad was enjoying the ride that my relationship was on and he was using it to his advantage. 

Right now DC3 is working on our next music video Cater 2 U. I decided to release the song because it was my favorite and it was written based on experiences. I knew that Jay and I were struggling to keep it together so unknowningly this was assurance to him to let him know I was gonna be there for him no matter what.

As the words to Cater 2 U sounded throughout the setting of our video I started to broke down in tears. Every word to the song hit a nerve. A few months ago, Jay and I were inseparable. Now we are standing on opposite sides of the door letting the cold air freeze us both.

After the video shoot was down I headed to my hotel room. I knew I had a week of to relax before I start cuting the movie The Pink Panther and completing the tour so this would be perfect timing. Without letting anyone know, I gathered my clothes and head to the LAX airport.

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