Chapter 84- Can I Get A...?

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Shawn POV

After kissing Beyoncé and I good bye Mama Tina closed the door to the SUV and watched as the car sped of. Beyoncé was starting to feel pressured and stressed so we thought it best to cut the trip short. The car ride back to LAX airport was quiet except for a few sniffs that came from Beyonce's nose. She hadn't turned her face from the glass since we left the beach house. I knew she was upset about the whole situation regarding her family but I felt like time will heal it.

There were things I knew about Matthew & Kelly that were causing alot of problems in there personal lives and it was all rolling over into their relationships with Beyoncé.

According to TY, he said Kelly has been doing alot of fucking around with Beyoncé's name trying to gain sympathy from the public and we all know where this stunt gets people.
I knew that DC3 was only holding on by a thread after Beyoncé's first album took of and went on to sell millions which causing her alot of recognition and would eventually cause envy amongst Kelly but like always, Bey was blind sided.

TY kept telling me how Kelly was releasing bind items to the media on Beyoncé and spinning the stories so it would make Bey look like an oppurtunist instead of making the DC3 separation a joint agreement.

As for Matthew's fake ass, everyone in the industry is talking about how he's draining Beyoncé's pocket. Which was no surprise to me because I never wanted to disrespect her father and she also found it hard to tell him of but somewhere in my mind I knew she felt the same way about him which explains why she opened up two secret accounts in NYC that didn't contain any connections with her father only her mother.

I knew from the get go how Beyoncé's group separation was gonna be because Beyoncé has a soft humble personality she was vocal when it came to her music but not at all when it came to defending herself or stepping to her father which made her a victim to thieves and scandals

However,this was all going to change because now, Beyoncé was no longer a group lead vocalist, she was a solo artist which means she was about to find out just how small the industry is and how the connections operated.

The SUV pulled up on the side of my private jet as the body guards opened the doors. Collecting Beyoncé's carry on and purse, I walked behind her into the plane.

"Head straight to the back Bey. You need to take a panadol and just rest." I said placing her luggages in the seats as I took her blanket from the overhead bin.

"Thanks baby." She said in a painful tone. After watching her remove her shoes and shirt I threw her blanket around her body making sure she was completely covered. As I made a move for the exit her mellow voice bounced in my ears causing me to turn around.

"Baby? Can you stay with me until I fall asleep." She asked looking into my eyes.

Without hesitation, I removed my timbs and put them to the side as I pulled her body into mines. As the plane prepared for take off Beyoncé turned to face me smothering her face into my chest. By the time we were over LA Beyoncé was already asleep.

I sat up and moved Bey's head to a pillow as I gripped a glass of champagne taking it down. With everything that happened just moments ago I was tired and exhausted. Even though the conversation didn't go as planned I was happy for the fact that Matthew finally told me what was on his mind. I couldn't deny the fact that I had a past and I wouldn't deny it but I really wished Beyoncé would see her dad for who he really was.

As I poured me another glass my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and realize it was Emory. Knowing him it had to be serious or an emergency for him to be calling this late.

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