Chapter 25- Emotions

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It was finally my birthday and I am finally 20.

I had waited for this day to come finally! Everything leading up to this day was going great. I decided to have a H-Town Throw-Down at our skating rank this evening with a few of my friends. It was my 20th birthday and leading into my 2nd decade on this earth I didnt want any old baggages holding me back. Which was why I set up a meeting with LeToya.

Yesterday I got in contact with Toya's brother Garvin who was making alot of beats for producers. He was able to convince Toya to meet up with me and we finally talked. Letting all of our past go we let our guards down and loved on eachother. She was able to meet up Kelly also but not Michelle.

Jay had been the first one to wish me happy birthday since he stayed on the phone with me until 2am. Kelly,Michelle, Solange, Angie (My cousin) and parents all came in. I was surprised with all my many wishes.

I rolled out of bed and brushed my hair. I then dashed in the bathroom and headed toward the kitchen. I got inside and my family and friends were all sitting around eating breakfast. I joined them as we sat down to plan how much my party budget would be and how much persons were allowed.

Later on that evening all my friends and cousins and I gathered at my mama's house to get dress. I decided on some heels and with a short jeans pants and a I♥U sweater.

We finally made it to the rank with music blasting and everyone singing me Happy Birthday. We ate, dance and skated all night until two in the morning.

The next few days I celebrated my birthday while Kelly, Michelle and I talked about the next move for Destiny's Child with a group of executive labels. My dad held a meeting with us down at his office in Houston. The question I was deeply trying to avoid was the "Can anyone see themselves going solo?" Everyone always referred me as a next big star but the truth was I was scared out my skin to do anything alone.

Kelly was my bestfriend and the three of us was eachother's backbone. I didnt want to let my girls down. As the meeting came to an end I ran out before everyone and headed to the bathroom.

I enjoyed trips with my best friends, I enjoyed matching together and mixing our personalities and style and we all benefit of from this group. As I ran into the bathroom I heard Kelly and Chelle screaming behind me.

"Come on Bey, DC3 aint got no where to go!" Kelly said in her sturn voice.

"It sure sames like it, everyone but me was in for the idea." I said through my tears.

"Bey hunni if anyone can go solo it will be you and do well. We have been at this as a group for years we will always find our way back." Michelle mellow voice said soothing my heart like always.

"Thats what they all say and then one gets hooked on drugs and the other never comes back." I said sobbing through my tears.

"Beyonce we aint got no where to go. If we do good as solo artists than thats fine but then its better because we reach various groups." Kelly said assuring.

"Yall promise?"

"We promise cry baby now get that booty out of here." Michelle said.

I stepped out the bathroom stall I ran into Kelly's arm. Michelle came behind me and embraced us into a group hug.

"Now since that is settled who is this Jay we've been hear you talk to since the News Year Eve party." Kelly said placing her hands in her waist.

"You guys know?" I said becoming nervous.

"Hell yea we do and all that "baby" and "hunni" talk."

"Oh My Gosh. I promise I will explain."

I stood in front of the televisin with my hands covering my mouth as my family and I watched the TV screen. Tears started to form as I watched the replay of the New York towers crash over and over again. The sight of such an amazing city was being destoryed by terriosts. Every flight that was set to leave out today was being held back.

My heart went out for those families in this heart breaking 911 attack. I slowly strolled upstairs as I dailed Jay's number for the 8th time this morning. I didn't no if it was because of the damage being done that caused the cellphone system to be down or if he was hurt. My mother and father went out to do their usually business while Solange headed to school.

I took out my CD player and placed my headphones on as I listened to Jay's Hard Knock Life over and over again trying to smile. His voice was soothing enough for me. I just need to hear it.

It was about after 3 hours of hearing his songs that my phone rang. I knew it was him even though the number was different.

"Jay? Oh Gosh are you okay are you or right?"

"I'm fine baby girl. You can calm down. Its just so unbelieveable to see so much damage be done."

"I'm so sorry Jay I know how much you loved your hometown and your place. How's your family?"

"Their okay I just sent for my nephews and nieces I haven't spend that much with em and I just realized how short life just could've been if something had just occured. I could've lost my family and my life without leaving any mark or imprint no even a kid to carry on my legacy."

"Jay you have so much to be thankful to God for I mean you have come a mighty long way and nothing happened to your family just be thankful that everything is already."

"I am. Its just alot to stomach its kind of hard seeing my beautiful city destoryed."

"Then make things get better. Be that change you wanna see in the community. Show the world what can become out of a man from the streets of Brooklyn and how much of a change can be made.. I believe you can do alot more than you do and talk about."

"You believe in me just a little bit to much ma'."

"I believe in the words you release and you convinced me so much you just got convince yourself."

Jay's voice was so down and I didnt wanted to cast my stress on him so I decided to leave the DC3 drama out of the way until next time.

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