Chapter 3- Destiny Begins

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Why does a relationship always have to be about sex? Why sex has to be the only way I can prove my love, my trust, my loyalty and honesty?

Hearing Lyndell say he fucked other girls during my relationship sent darts at every angle of my heart. I don't even think I have a heart anymore. It hurts so bad. I became so in need of comfort during my parents separation that I didn't see it. He saw it and took advantage. Just like anyone else would if he saw a fool looking for love. After Lyndell left I sat in my bed and starteds focusing on revenge. I wanted to prove to him that I don't need him, but then my emotions will be all tied up in lies trying to use someone else to make Lyndell jealous. Even though Lyndell cheated I still love him. Being my first love and there at my time of need even made me fell more for him. He was there better than I was there for myself. I need to move on and it wont be by finding love somewhere else.

Two weeks have past since Lyndell and I call it quits. I am finding it hard to move on and whats even more hurting is that I was about to give him the only thing I had that couldnt be shared with no one else. I still saw him at my hometown church and although I had decided to move on my friend Kelly didn't. Apperantly he blamed her for damaging his tires and I dont feel one bit of sorry or sad.

This is my last day of me seeing Houston until July. My father had book a studio for us in NYC. Its kind of amazing since neither of us have been there before. During my painful break up our song No No No the orginial was released. In June once the song has generate enough talk we will be on our way. My mama will be staying at home with Solange and on breaks she will fly over to see us.

"Beyonce make sure you pack everything you will need!" My father said from down the hallway. I was excited to finally leave. New York would be the right place to get a jumpstart at moving on.

My mother and sister waved my father and us good bye as we board the flight from Houston to LA then to NYC. While we landed in NYC we headed to the baggage claim section. As we were about to search for a cab my attention was stuck by screaming fans. A tall man, with a jersey and hat was signing autographs. As him and his entourage was about to walk away I caught a quick glimse knowing that it was the rapper JAYZ. It then clicked that he was from these streets. I smiled to myself knowing that being in a recording studio in NYC means that I will see him without a doubt.

As we headed towards a cab, Kelly got the brilliant idea for us to have a sleepover with a bunch of junk food. Because we were struggling with finances having to travel so much my dad agreed that buy food would be less expensive than room service. As we approach the road a taxi came directly towards us. Once we were all in he head down the road stopping at a food store where we could've gotten snacks. When we were done we headed to our hotel were we checked in.

"NYC is the shit." Lativa screamed causing all us to cheer.

"So girls,I heard that once the remix drops we are good to go." Kelly informed.

"Then we gonna be rocking the fly clothes, fancy parties, alot of money and all the hotties" Letoya said wining her waist

We erupted in giggles and laughter for the night.

Sunday came quicker than expected. We just arrived in NYC on Friday. Since Sunday is a slow kind of day the label and other producers decided it was time to meet with us and make out our image and figures. When we got to the building my dad led the way. Everyone was excited that we walked passed so much famous people without knowing. We entered a large executive office. It was circular in shape with a huge glass window facing the streets. In the middle of the floor was a long table with seating for 20. We walked into the office and sat in the front with 6 unknown producers, directors, and mogals facing us. Most of their ideas in the meeting was fairly nice. The only problem was the dress code. We were still young and the only persond of age was Kelly and Toya. So the record label decided to come to an agreement that we present the style we want and if they approve we can go from there.

The biggest news of them all didnt come until later that week. My daddy burst through our hotelroom door telling us our new remix single will be released and once radio stations enjoy the single they will give it more air play allow it to generate listeners.

"The label directors gave us two weeks to come up with designs and a style for the image. Once that is done we can start shooting the music video!!!" He screamed, leaving his echo vibrating in our ears.

Immediately, we started discussing among ourselves. We decided on a good girl image with a southern flare.

"Yo Bey, since mama T does fashion she can make our ideas come to life." Kelly concluded.

"Yea Bey and thats less money to pay and money being generated." Lativa added

"I'mma see tho' cause thats alot and Solange still young we shouldnt make our dreams hers" I said feeling a little guilt because of the sacrifice already made.

Two weeks later my mom finally flew over NYC to be with my dad. They decided that Solange shouldn't be missing school and we agreed. So Kelly and I went back to stay at the house and take care of Solange while Tavia and Toya spent time with family at day but slept over with us at night.

It was last day in Houston before heading to NYC. Daddy and Mama had past in the designs and they were approved. Three days ago our single had been released and we were excited. Persons were shopping it around to play on the radio but we still haven't heard it. Solange had to be picked up from school in about 15 minutes so Kelly and I headed out to pick up Tavia and Toya so we could go to dinner afterwards and then head home for a night out.

"So what we getting pizza, fried chicken and macaroni or waffle and chicken?" Kelly asked putting her feet up in the drivers seat. As the girls discussed what they were going to eat my eyes light up at a familiar sound that caught my attention. I sat upstraight in the car and began screaming in the school parking lot as I turned up the radio. It was our song on the radio!!! Kelly kicked her car door open and start screaming on her knees when Tavia and Toya caught on they started racing around the car while I had tears in my eyes and my hands together thanking God for the chance. As we danced around the car screaming "Thats our shit on the radio!" My sister Solange joined in celebration as pass byers and other students looked on.

"And Action" the music producer yelled.

"Boy you know you want me I can't see it in your eyes. Why you keep on fronting wont you say whats on your mind!" I sang while we walked down the street in our cut jeans and red tops. It was exciting to be on the set of our very first video shoot. We then came to a stop at an outside stairs where Wyclef sat with a guitar playing.

"This is the remix! Radio play the remix" Wyclef rapped as we stood on the stairs way dancing in our brown heels.

"And its a wrapped. Good job ladies" the producer said. "Always a pleasure working with you Wyclef"

As we head down the stairs to go back to our car to head home I was stopped by Wyclef holding hand.

"Excellent Job Beyonce. Keep this up and you can far. Just stay humble and be smart. This industry is full of alot of things. That goes to you and your sisters." Wyclef said.

I was thankful for his words. As I headed back to the car I surveyed the set. It was all I dreamed. The lights, the huge cameras. It was our Destiny. Our moment. The feeling on the set motivated me to want more and starting with creating more lyrics is the first step. It was exciting. I imagined us holding big awards, wearing ball gowns, dancing at shows & greeting screaming fans. My thoughts were interrupted by Kelly as she took hold of my arms.

"This is what determination looks like sis!"

"I know! And success is even greater.. Our Destiny has just began!"

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