Chapter 45- Bonnie & Clyde

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"I grew up right in that little building. Even though it was in the ghetto I still felt safe. My mama used to stay home all day just cooking and cleaning and making sure everything was in place. I had alot of music around me, not rap but soulful music. My dad even had a huge collection that I never was able to touched." Jay said as he point towards his childhood home as we sat in the car across from it.

"Do you find it hard coming here and still have all these memories?" I said looking at his face that was caught in a gaze.

"A little bit because no matter how much of a good time I had while my dad was there I still remember all the bad things. I just wished he never left." He said becoming a bit down.

"Do you think you're moving pass this? Are you even ready to move pass it?"

There was a short pause as he positioned his head towards the driver's window.

"I am ready. I'm just ready to accept my life and love the one that loves me." He said looking into my eyes.

I starred at him as I leaned over to give him a long kiss. For a little while we drove around as he showed me his old school, old apartment buildings he used to deal drugs in, his favorite store, his youth play ground and where he used to engage in rap battles for the fun.

Afterwards we headed down to the pizza place in Brooklyn and order two boxes with a large coco cola along with salt & pepper chicken & chesse bread. As we drive towards his place he showed me a few buildings that he desired to have one day & the ones that I could look at to purchase. I was kinda of curious about why Jay wanted me to be in NYC so badly because he has become very persistant in me getting a place here.

"Why do you want me get a place so badly?" I asked catching him of guard.

"Truthful it saves money however, I would love for you stay over here. Everything is accessible over here especially for your career & I get to see whenever and whereever. That I would love." He said truthfully.

We pulled up into his drive way and headed upstairs. Just like everyother time his home stayed clean.

"I can't even front about it, you are too much of a well-kept man."

"Yea, you have to be, especially when your living by yourself."

"I feel kind of bad because I am messy. I don't like a dirty place but I will have my clothes and shoes thrown all over the place." I said feeling a little ashamed.

"Your a messy girl?" He asked becoming a bit surprised.

"Yea. So I guess you find that factor about me that you hate uh?"

"No not at all.. its just shocking for a decent and beautiful girl like you." He said heating up the pizza and chesse sticks.

"What are we watching tonight?" I said as I walked over to the living room changing the subject.

"Anything you wish. Maybe something romantic." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay so maybe Titanic." I said bending over to pop the dvd in.

As the dvd started playing I went in the kitchen and took two plate mats and rest them on the table in front of the screen. As Jay took the pizza boxes over to the table I collected two glasses along with paper plates and napkin.

"You want me take up your pizza for you?" I said opening the boxes.

"Sure.... why do you like to take up food and help fix things?"

"Its because I enjoying catering to you and I never get a chance to pull a muscle around you so its the least I can do to show my apperication."

As the movie started playing Jay and I began to eat. We were inches away from eachother. It was an awkward silence for a while as we ate. I opened up the chesse sticks placing three on Jay's plate and pouring him a glass of soda.

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