Chapter 6- Say My Name

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We have been making rounds all day around radio stations and music shows promoting our new album "Writing on The Walls" we were so excited. Two singles #1 and now a new album was starting to get us recognized. As we stood together taking pictures and smiling I felt it was perfect time to tell my friends and band mate how Thankful I was to have them there with me. After our long day of promotion Kelly and I decided that as a group we should all met up and talk about what we wanted. I had something super cool up my sleeves that no one would have seen coming. While everyone was crazy about talking about our new album I had written a Lyndell inspired song. Now this song spoke to women everywhere I knew that it would also create a act for women, make their men call them by their names instead of "baby", "ma", "hun", "baby girl", "uh uh", "okay", "or right" or "I got ya".

As the girls started dancing and partying I stopped the music:

"So who says after all the hard work we must not work harder tho'?" I said hold up my soda can. "I believe in faith, hence I am working therefore ladies we might have another hit single on our hands.'

Cheers erupted in the room and Kelly and I joined in with an embraced. I wanted to talk to Tavia and Toya about their distance lately but Kelly suggested that now was not the time. Instead we all agreed that it was time to go bed. I spent all night laying down think about what Rodney said before.

Am I losing my friends? Can the end come so quickly? What can be so wrong and hard that we can't fix? My mind started racing with question until a knock on my door interrupted me. I ran to door trying to avoid the loud knocking from waking up the others. But seeing that Kelly was my soulmate she knew I had gotten up from her side. I opened the door when Kelly walked next to me to find Rodney outside.

"Your Pas said you can come down to the studio to lay down the song whenever. You down?"

"Yea I wanna do it but the others are sleeping."

"Beyonce we aint recording and releasing now you just doing a demo so it can be kept and then everyone gonna lay down their vocals."

"Okay gimmie five minutes let me grab my coat and purse. Kellys get ready, you coming with me."

As we closed the hotel door quietly behind us, I went to ensure my dad knew we were leaving. When we made our way down stairs another group of photgraphers came rushing in trying to take a snaps. Knowing I wasnt at my best I flashed a smile and held by jacket close to my outfit. As we headed in the awaiting van I rest my head on the glass trying to get a quick nap.

After 20 minutes we arrived to the studio. Between sleep walking and awake I dragged my tired body up the stairs to the buildings entrance. When we got to the elevator we press the bottom and immediately the door flew open and out walk Dame Dash, knowing the horrible state I was in, I smiled brightly and he returned it. We got in the elevator and pressed number 7. The elevator ride was very short seeing that the building was very empty. As I walked out the elevator I asked Kelly to accompany me to bathroom so that I could run cold water across my face. We then head to the recording studio and found the room pack with producers and JAYZ.

I grew nervous as all eyes started to stare at me. I was always the shy quiet one so Kelly spoke up and started to build conversation. I rasied my head from the floor to meet the brown big eyes of JAYZ. I couldnt help but smile. A smile grew across my face as his big plump cheeks started to expand into a smile. I felt myself turning red and my cheeks hurt so I refocused my attention trying to hide a blush by moving my nose side to side.

"Everyone should already no the male bashers and lead singers from Destiny's Child, Beyonce and Kelly. Kelly and Beyonce this is Dame Dash,Ty Ty, JAYZ, R. Kelly, Mase and Robert Stinger. Three artists and Three producers."

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