Chapter 74- Welcome To Hollywood.

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I sat down rehearsing my lines over and over again. As I watched my nephew Julez sleep peaceful. Until next year, I don't have anymore performance just time for my family, my man and my stomach. Its already Novemeber and I know next year was going to hit me like a pile of bricks. Thats why I have dedicated my remaining days of this year with my family.

Solange and her husband Daniel wanted to enjoy a date night so I found no problem in baby sitting. I was proud of my baby sister for her huge bounce back after pregnancy. She was persistant in persuing her musicial career and Jay offered to help her until she makes enough to move out on her on.

Hopping up from the couch, I entered her kitchen, and opened the oven where she kept the food she prepared earlier. Heating it, I left to take Julez upstairs since he had already fallen asleep. Returning, I took the food out and started to eat as I fixed my eyes on the tv that was on the entertainment channel.

As I ate I was caught off guard by what was coming up, a break down of a "beef" between my Co-Star Jennifer and I. Since the making of this movie I was plaged with annoying shit regarding Jennifer and I. It was no surprise that the media would chop and screw this shit. Personally, I didn't see any problem between Jen and I, and if I can recall there never will be, between me or anyone for that matter.

Since I started in this industry I have only met a few persons, especially females in particular through work and I have left that at that, WORK, nothing more. Simply because people in this industry had a tendence of selling out their friends for political and money gain. With Jay and I being one he had taught me sufficient for me to know who to be aware of and who will use you for a photo op and a few stories.

This was for the same reason I clinged to my sisters, cousins, Jay's friends and families and a few persons I immediately took too. I always heard people say "Know your friends" and its forever true. Not everyone will be happy for your success.

Shawn POV

I comtemplated long and hard about this for a few months secretly. It wasn't anything serious but I just had to keep it to myself. No matter what goes on, I would always go back to hip hop. Which was why I brought  my friend Rick Rubin to decided wither another album would be a good idea.

After a few hours back and forth about the decision I signed my contract renewing my deal. It would a be risk well taken since I've been gonna for a little while. I checked my watch and realize the time. I had to go to my meeting with Jay Brown and LA Reid about our new signed artist Rihanna.

Collecting my cellphone I closed my office door and headed towards Jay Brown's office. As I entered I notice Jay B and LA Reid already discussing ideas and by the way their tone lowered when they spotted me I knew something was up.

"Whats up man Reid?" I said extending my hands.

"I'm good man how bout you?" He said standing up and shaking my hands.

"Great. Good even, you good Jay?"

"Yea man just a little frustrated." Jay B said shaking his head.

"About what? Rihanna?" I asked taking a seat.

"Yea man. Her album did okay for a freshman, but its not sticking, its good music, dancing music but its not resignating to pull the media toes man.'' Reid said.

"What about Bey? Beyonce understands this all too well so she'll be opened to doing a few photo opte and maybe speaking to her.'' I suggestted.

"That would be good and all but the media is gonna see them as friends, then they gonna start comparing and start pulling vocal abilities and performing abilities, its gonna be a Kelly & Beyonce thing all over again." Jay said.

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