Chapter 42- Hov & Bey

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"Mama come on. I know you got something to say."

"Beyonce whats going on with you that man? Is everything still going strong?"

"We have been on a few dates. His mama cooked us dinner on my last night in NYC. We've went for a few rides together, had pizza, kissed.. Alot."

"So you think he could be the one?"

"Ma' I don't wanna be on a bunch of dates with a bunch of men and then I don't settle with none. So to be honest, with Jay I can see a future with him. I know he is not your ideal choice for me but I do love him to tears."

"Have you spoken to him about kids and marriage?"

"I told him about marriage and kids but he had alot to deal with mama. His father walked out on him at such a young age. He told me he watched his parents argue alot. He said it started out when he was 9 and then when he turn 11 a few months later his father's brother died and his dad left. His mother couldn't stay home no more because she had to struggle to make ends meet & his older brother, had his own demons to deal with. He became addicted to pot and he used to steal from his family which made it worst."

"Beyonce, oh wow. Four kids? No husband and you working by yourself?"

"Yea and when he found a way to get money from a guy he met he started selling drugs. His mama was scared tho' but she asked him to promise her one thing and that was to never smoke it. He said he never understood why she would ask but he realized it today because if he had gotta addicted he would've probably been shoot for smoking the ones he was suppose to sell."

"What about his father did he ever came back?"

"Jay said he went to his mama house at an earlier time in our relationship and he spoke to her and when he mentioned to her that he felt that he wasn't made to find love; she got upset and it was then that she told him that it was alot of unresolved issues with him and his dad that he needed to fix and that she found him."

"Did you ever feel like you made him feel a certain way about love? Like you probably samed like the too pretty type who would just be with ya and then leave."

"To be honest ma' everything about Jay that people think is so ugly I find it so cute. He has a big nose and a big lip but I never saw it until he pointed out his insecurities. I was wrapped up in his personality, I didn't care about his past, he never once made me feel that I had to worried because he was serious about everything."

There was a long stop of silence as I forced myself to avoid tears from flowing. My mama then saw me I wrapped her arms around me and layed my head on her lap.

"Beyonce your heart is your heart. No one can ever understand why you love him the way you do because no one has ever experienced the love he has given you." Mama said, pulling my head from her lap and embracing me into hug.

"Mama I really love him and if I know he is really willing to commit to a relationship like the one I want I am ready to give him my all no matter what." I said draining my tears on her night gown for a while until I was down crying.

"Beyonce, I am proud of you. You went out there and you made that man address his demons. You found someone who you was opened with and who opened up to you so he could've touched your heart and not you body and because of that I am happy and I will be their behind you 101 percent baby girl."

"Thank You Ma."

After speaking with my mama I went to thr bathroom and decided to take an early shower. I quickly did my hair and makeup and threw on some soft pants with a tang-top. I put on my earrings and my bracelet that Jay bought.

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