Chapter 87- How Could You Leave Me?

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My mama always said a wise man thinks before he speaks or acts. Okay, maybe my mama wasn't the one who original made up that statement but boy it sure does make sense in this situation.

I sat in the middle of my bed surrounded by every possible gift I could remember Jay buying for me. Each gift was a symbol of more than just a birthday present. It was a symbol of his love because I recieved alot of presents from him just out of the blue, just to make me smile or to let me he was thinking about me.

I strolled through the gallery of my camera that Jay bought me a few years ago and even to this day it is still the best, the most amazing, the most perfect gift he has ever given me and I always show him my apperication for it.

I never questioned Jay's loyalty or trust to me but all of a sudden it came up. Angie has been in NYC for quite sometime but she's been hanging out with Jay's friends and sometimes even sleeping over by them. I felt pushed to open up to her but something stopped me and I glad it did because I didn't want to hear the same words I said to her out in someone else mouth. So instead I did what Jay suggestted. I put it into my music and I have to say Resentment really represents my emotions.

Its been about two weeks since Jay and I have seen eachother. He jetted of to LA to assist with Rihanna's promotion and do a few album work. Which was fine by me but having all the magazines and articles shoved down my throat was making me worried. Still, not even that could overshadow the fact that my gut and heart disagreed with them all.

I sat flipping through a few images I took with HOV and I and they all made me realize that if I had acted out of my feelings and suspicision I could've messed a perfectly good thing up between him and I.

Today I decided to take a break from the studio and find something peaceful to do. I stripped down into my underwear lace set, tossing Jay's t-shirt to the side. The song De Ja Vu kept replaying in my head as i headed towards the guest room where my painting collection was staying.

Between painting and dancing I have managed to help myself curve the sexual pleasures I had been in such need of.

I managed to paint myself away from thinking as I laid the 5 paintings I had just done on the floor. I had completed 5 of them all drapped in bright beautiful colors. I smiled at my handy work that I had done and another hidden talent that I had been blessed with.

My smile quickly faded when I heard the sound of my apartment door shut. My heart stopped as I looked around the room searching for my phone. It was no where insight and neither was any clothes for me to run outside in and out the sliding window. My first thought was, it could be Angie, but then her and Emory had become sexually connected so she flew to Miami with him.

I took a huge swallow and stepped inside my closet, closing the door shut. The room door was already open so for me to close it would have been a give away. My heart started bouncing against my chest as the door of the guest room flew open. Tears started to form as the closet door followed. I stood shaking as the person entered the closet revealing a half naked Beyonce.

"Bey?" Jay echoed. I dropped to the ground with my heart collapsed against my chest. I was having a mini panick attack as Jay moved towards me.

"Everything or right baby?" He asked. As I stood up wrapping my hands around his body and pulling him tightly. "Bey say something?"

"I-I-I thought that was someone else coming inside here so I got scared and-and-I- wait? Why are you here?" I asked sniffing through my tears as I looked into his face.

"I was planning on coming tomorrow but I was trying to reach you from after 9 this morning and you didnt pick up: after you said you wanted to talk and it cant be done over the phone so I was calling to let you no I'll be back home tomorrow. But after trying to reach you over 30 times from differwmt numbers and then your mama calling and then Angie, Kelly, Solo couldnt reach you I got worried. So I came back. Is everything good? You fine?" He asked concerned.

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