Chapter 64- Lost One {RIP Colleek}

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Nothing made sense to me at the moment. As the words from Annie circulated in my ear my body became numb. I was trying to repeat her words in my mind but the more I said them the more painfully they sounded.

I landed at the airport in Pennsiylvinna where Annie and Colleek were. Immediately after the plane door flew open I jetted towards the awaiting SUV. As I moved towards the car the door flung opened and TY came stepping out.

"Jay..? I know you won't be able to take it so I called a driver."

Without responding I hung my down and moved towards the otherside. As I placed my hands upon the door handle I raised my head, catching a glimpse at myself in the mirror. The

"Jay? Colleeks dead!" I said to myself in the SUV's window. Tears started to fall down my face as I thought about the last words I spoked to him.

Gripping the cellphone in my hand I threw it the window causing the glass to shatter over the airport's runway. Beside taking out my frustration on the phone I tried to remove the image that I saw. The person that went ahead and signed the paper, handed over the cash and purcahse him the car that caused his death.

Tears started to fall as I realised what I had just done to my nephew, to my sister, to my family. Out of all the gifts I could've given him I choosed a car. Instead of a night just showing the ropes around the industry or giving him the money I had set aside for his college had he planned to go there.

Starring at the shattered glasses near my feet I became even more emotionally, because I cause my sister's heart in those broke pieces, thats how her heart was shattered into a million piece.

"Jay? Man I know you pissed of and everything but we got to go."

"Go for what? So I could stand there and see his cold body laying there. So I could see the pain in my sister eyes as she cry a river because of the shit I caused. Uhh..."

"Jay how is this your fault? You weren't in the car."

"Shut the fuck up Ty." I yelled slamming my hands down on the door. "It is my fucking fault. Who else bought him the fucking car? Nobody but me. Instead of spending time with him I threw some material bullshit on him." I said as a lump slid down in my throat.

The atmosphere became silent as I placed my hands on the door lowering my head and crying.

"Jay. Lets just go. Annie wants you to see him before they move his body.

In no time another SUV came rushing in as they drove the other away from where I was standing.

The entire car ride to the hospital was quiet. My mind kept playing the moment of him hugging me over and over again as he entered into his car.

If I had just thought about it a little more none of the shit would've happened. As we drove near the hospital I fixed my eyes on my lap forcing the tears to stop but they didn't. In no time we were at the hospital as I watched his classmates gathered around the enterance.

Hopping out the SUV I walked swiftly with TY following behind me. Pushing past the chit chats I entered inside to see my weeping sister and mother who stood in the middle of the waiting room. The sounds of Annie hollers and screams only sliced me deeper as I watch her grip onto Mickey's shirt.

Slowly I walked over to her moving my hands around her waist. As I got in front of her I placed my hands at the back of her head trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry Annie. I didn't mean to let this happen. I'm sorry for causing his death." I said as tears dripped down on the top of her head.

Within 45 minutes the doctor came, letting us see his body for the final time. As I watched his cold, frozen body; flashes of the moment he recieved his car came into my mind causing tears to drain down my face.

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