Days of Forgotten Past 9

Start from the beginning

"You seem off. Are you okay?" Bright asked. The cheerful blonde hefted her heavy shield around like it was little more than a paperweight. The wolves engraved on the disc pattern were howling at some unseeable moon. At least this is what Texas imagined. The orb at the center glinted in the moonlight as if to agree with her.

Hawke and Eagle were undoubtedly listening in, had likely encouraged this very conversation. It was rare to find times where Lappland and Texas weren't attached at the hip during their group activities (outside of having to go after Lappland during one of her berserk episodes . . . which probably didn't count because Texas was running after her) and usually when those moments did occur they were orchestrated to some level. Her theory was proven as she heard Lappland and Aura's voices intermingling. The younger wolf was telling a story about something her siblings had done. Even with her ill mindset Lappland treated Aura as delicately as ever, nurturing and kind. This was among the reasons why Texas kept the hope her girlfriend's condition could someday be improved.

"Heh, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She knew exactly why, but if Bright wanted to avoid the reason this intervention was being staged then so would she.

"You've been through a lot lately. We're all worried."

The honesty made the breath in her lungs catch. Her footsteps stuttered with the unexpected break from pattern, boots scuffing in the dirt. The decrepit land surrounding the abandoned warehouse was dotted with snow. A storm was brewing in the sky, dark clouds rolling in from the distance. She licked her lips as one snowflake landed on them. The condensed water melted in her mouth, her throat itching with the chill.

"You have?"

"Of course we have. I know you may not believe it, but you're not just our alpha. You're our friend too. First and foremost if anything." Bright told her. And that was the thing with Bright. You always knew she was sincere, could tell by the way her wolf ears angled and her tail flicked and curled into a small c. Her tail was short compared to the average length, but it's bushy quality made up for it.

"Really? Thanks. That means a lot." More than you know.

"So . . ."

"So what?"

Bright tilted her head to the side. "Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Texas shrugged. "Not anything you probably haven't pieced together yourself. Lappland's infection is getting worse. Soon I'll have to make a choice." It felt nice to talk to someone who wasn't Gran or Houston or even Lappland about this. A fresh perspective could be just what she needed.

"Hmm. My guess is your having a hard time making it."

"Yes." She breathed out. "And who it's for doesn't make this any easier."

"I know making such big choices can be hard, but you should know your choice will be supported." Blue eyes flicked briefly over to Hawke and Eagle and then over to Aura before returning back to her. The twins had nodded in respect, their faces somber. Aura hadn't seemed to notice the glance sent her direction, too busy occupying Lappland. Her current weapon —a metal bat with spikes protruding from the top— dragged lazily on the ground, knocking up a plume of dust. They all support me.

"That's good to know, but I doubt it'll change anything."

Regardless of the support, Texas would make this decision of her own volition. No one else could factor in. And so she focused on the most important factor in all of this. Lappland. If we're ever to be full mates then I have to do this for her. I just hope she doesn't hate me for it.

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