Pratap and Archana looked at eachother and then at their son and daughter-in-law, as if contemplating wether to join them or not.

"We would really love to join but now that we are here how can we leave and come? But also I have been waiting for this meet so eagerly as this happens only once in a year..." Pratap sighed as he looked at Aditya hoping he would see how much he want to be there.

"Huhm... It would really be nice if you had joined. Rest is your wish..."

Pramila started and continued as she looked at Aditya and placed Nia on the chair.

"Aditya, do you mind if they join us? No right?"

"Of course not, aunty I wouldn't mind. They can join you people if they want to..." Saying, Aditya shrugged his shoulders.

"See, there's no problem at all. You can come along with us, right Sanjay?" Asked, Pramila.

"Yes... You should definitely come along with us and stay a night in our house! It's been so many months and we can cherish our old days whole night. Anyways, it's Sunday tomorrow. You can return tomorrow in the evening." Sanjay extended the invitation for them.

"Yes, Pratap. We should really go. It will be wonderful!" Archana insisted eyeing him to just agree with her so that they can leave.

"Yes, Yes. We will come along with you..." He finally agreed with her.

"Dadu, dadi! Even I want to come along with you" Nia who listened to their conversation, decided herself to spent the night with her grandparents.

"No, Nia. Not today, we will go to their house some other day okay?" Naina tried to coax her but she stood up on the chair, folded her arms around her chest and looked away with a frown on her face.

"It's alright Naina, let her..." Pramila said

"But aunty, she would trouble you... And she-" when Naina tried to reason her, Nia started insisting that she had to go.

"I want to go!
I want to go!
I want to go!

"Let her come along with us, Naina. Anyways it's Sunday tomorrow and we will be back by tomorrow evening. Don't worry, I will take care of her" Archana said seeing how persistent her granddaughter was being which was actually pretty good according to her.

"Yes, and Nia will be a very good girl and listen to us right Nia?" Pramila asked her.

"Yesssss!" Nia said excitedly nodding her head up and down as if trying to convince Naina that she would be a very good girl and listen to her grandparents.

"..." With not being able to say anything, Naina turned her head to look at Aditya as to what he has to say. Was he fine with Nia going along with them? She thought. Looking back at her and then at Nia, Aditya sighed.

"Alright... If she's going to behave, I see no problem in sending her along with you" he agreed with them.

"Thank you, Papa!" Nia got down and hugged his leg like a koala bear with a toothy grin plastered on her face which dropped just in a span of a second.

"But, only if you Mumma agrees to send" hearing him, Naina snapped her head at him. Was he really allowing her to decide Nia looked at Naina with her pleading eyes which were literally begging to let her go with them.

As if Nia's pleading puppy face wasn't enough, all the four except Aditya carried the same face which said 'let her go, please!' she felt so embarrassed as no one had ever persisted on doing something only if she were to allow them to do. And these were her in-laws!

In response, all she could do was nod her head to which they exclaimed happily while Nia hugged her just like she had hugged Aditya a minute ago.

Nia was so ecstatic as she walked along with Diwakar's and the elderly Sen couple behind them leaving Aditya and Naina all alone by the table. And for elder Sen couple, well they were happy that their plan had worked very well to leave the couple alone so that they would get some privacy. The only problem was, what if they don't talk at all? What if all these would go in vain? Thinking, Archana and Pratap walked around the hallways where the Diwakar's led them.

And, so Naina and Aditya were left behind by themselves who took their seats and the silence lingered around them. Though Aditya had somehow known that his parents were upto something, he never knew that they would be so good at scheming to leave them alone. As surprised as he was, Naina was flabbergasted as she had no idea of what was happening while Aditya at least had an idea that this dinner was nothing but planning!

"What did just happen?" Aditya looked at Naina's blank face who whispered in her low voice meeting up his gaze.

"We got schemed by them" Aditya mumbled as he sighed and silently started eating from his half eaten plate.

"They should know that it's not going to work" Naina whispered as she also started eating. Aditya paused eating after hearing these words from her, there was something that Aditya felt and that something was not a good feeling. It almost felt like his heart clenched in pain. Looking at Naina who wasn't fazed while uttering those words, he resumed eating.

In the first floor of the same restaurant, the Diwakar's and Sen's elder couple along with Nia were seated in the middle table of the crowd. Looking at eachother, they smiled as if they had accomplished their plan successfully.

"Few more minutes late if you had arrived, we would have already left! You are never on time, Sanjay" Pratap said, as he gulped down the water from the glass.

"I arrived late? You arrived earlier than the time you mentioned! And you are-"

"Oh, stop it both of you! Arguing like children. The main thing is that we were able to carry out this plan without any worries." Archana said, as she slapped Pratap's shoulder lightly while Pramila glared at Sanjay and Nia giggled seeing them.

"Yes. Leaving them alone was so difficult job! Naina never leaves Nia alone anywhere..." Pratap said as he muttered the last line in low voice.

"Now the only thing is that they shouldn't let our hardwork go in vain." Archana said.

The four of them had decided to order a dessert and then leave for Diwakar's home. As there was no any such meets going on here. It was just a fake one which Sanjay had decided to make up. But in all, it was only Nia who was happy to which there was no boundary. There were two reasons for Nia to be happy. One, she would be spending her time with Diwakar's and two, she would be able to finally see the only person who makes her tiny heart flutter!


Hello guys!
How are you all?
I know waiting for an update feels so terrible. But I am trying my best to give my time for writing this story...
I really hope you liked this chapter. Well you must be wondering what is it with 'aam waali aunty' I don't know it just popped into my head as I was typing it. Do you have any such people from your childhood?
I am still not completely back on the track...
I just typed it out of sleeplessness... Ignore the mistakes, please!
Stay safe all of you!
Do comment and vote the chapter.
Thank you :)

Dated : 5 June, 2020

Edited - 18 June 2021

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