Running his hands through his hairs, he sighed. Looking at her, he said.

"To know eachother?" It came out more like a question.

"We know eachother." She said

"Yeah.... But I mean to know more..."

"What do you want to know? We know eachother's name, we go to work, we studied in the same school and we love our family. What else is there to know?" She questioned.

"Naina... Even outsiders know that. You clearly know that we don't even know eachother like a friend. So here we are..." He trailed off raising his hand in the air.

"We could have done that at home also...." She turned away from him.

"What's wrong with being alone with me?" He asked raising his voice, feeling frustrated. It was really difficult to be with her.

Sensing the change in him, she turned to look at him. "Why are you raising your voice?" She asked.

"Why am I raising my voice? Okay, I am because my wife doesn't even want to spend some time with me and is it too difficult for you to spend some time with me?" He shouted.

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"Why are you being so difficult?"

"I am being difficult? You are so unbelievable!"

"I took leave for you!"

"I never asked you to!"

"Will you stop shouting, Naina?"


"Why not?"

"Because I am hungry!" She shouted loudly after which there was deadpan silence. Their both face had become red because of all the shouting and their chest heaved up and down as they breathed heavily.

To Naina's embarrassment, her stomach growled out of hunger which was loud enough for Aditya to hear. At this moment, Naina wished for the ground to swallow her. Pushing her free hair bangs behind her ear, she looked away.

When she thought nothing can be more embarrassing than this, her stomach growled again. This time louder than earlier. Hearing this, Aditya laughed looking at her. Shaking his head, he got down the rock and walked towards the car leaving her to stand there by herself.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked thinking would he leave her and go... He walked as if he didn't hear her.

"Hey wait! Are going to leave me all alone here?" She asked seeing him opening the car door.

"You can't do that! You can't leave me hear, especially when I am hungry!" She huffed and puffed seeing him getting inside the car and then looked at her.

"So I can leave you here after I give you food? If that what you mean?" He asked, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What? No! That's not what I meant!" She looked everywhere but him. In a jiffy, he was standing in front of her making her step back .

"Then what did you mean?" He asked leaning towards her, his hands were behind.

"I - I meant - th-" she had no words speak. Him being so close affected so much that she couldn't even form coherent words.

Aditya on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh seeing her all flustered. Did she really think that he would leave her here? Seeing him laugh, she folded her hands below her bossom and turned away angrily.

Once he was done with his laughter, he asked. "Did you really thought I would leave you here and go?"

The way Naina looked at him, he couldn't help but stifle his laughter.

Broken Pieces - Finding Way To Eachother's Hearts Where stories live. Discover now