Days of Forgotten Past 7

Start from the beginning

"Penguin Empire huh? That's a very bold choice."

Emperor made a squawking sound. To her understanding it was his version of a laugh, though there wasn't much difference between that noise and the startled sound he made whenever ambushed. "No, you misunderstand. That's not the name, not at all. Anything called empire . . . it's bad for advertising you see. Look what happened to Roy."

"Uh . . ." She didn't see. Not at all. And whose Roy? Texas must've taken too long to answer, because the Emperor groaned in disappointment.

"You really do need to become more cultured. This city ain't doin' nothing for you."

Tilting her head, she weighed the truth of the statement. "Maybe not in that sense no, but this is my home. I can't just abandon it. I'm to be alpha someday." Her ascension was fast approaching, the ship being called in by the lighthouse beacon. But with her upcoming new role was indecision and unease. Perhaps it was just the stress. Or . . .

Or maybe I'm just not ready. This possibility was terrifying to consider, let alone voice. Lately so many things were going wrong. These reprieves from the chaos really were something she strived for.

"I know, I know. You wolves and your silly traditions." Emperor took a sip from his drink. Some of the dark liquid sloshed out of the cup, spilling onto the table. The flecked stain would hopefully go unnoticed by the waiters. As it was, they hadn't come to check on the pair for the past half hour anyways considering they'd already paid the bill.

"I'm being serious."

"I know you are. I can see in your eyes, your desire to explore." Emperor began.

She tensed slightly without even realizing it. The grip on her mug tightened into a white knuckled clench. "I . . ."

"No worries Texas. What you're doing is honorable. Some would even call it a sacrifice."

She swallowed down the feeling of unease. "It's my duty." Hollow words iterated by a troubled person. If only she knew how to solve all her problems. That would make life easier.

"Life isn't meant to be easy Texas. It's the challenge that shows us who we really are."

Her Gran's words echoed in her mind, a resounding song. She was so wise. Texas didn't know what she would do without her. The same could be said for Emperor. Even if it was only a short time they spent together, she would miss her new friend dearly. Hopefully he would come back to visit someday. It was hard to tell with the Emperor, who was even less readable than a book written in a foreign language.

Emperor nodded. "Either way, it still makes me respect you. Know my offer will always be open. Until next time Texas."


After Emperor's departure two days previous, the weight of the world's problems were still crashing down on her. Maybe the problems felt even worse without her reprieve. The sun sank below the horizon, the angry red ball vanishing into the night. Texas felt mud squish under her shoes as she raced to the border of their homeland, trailing behind the one she held most dear. There had been recent reports of Infected trying to break into the Pack Land before the city was prepared for them. Naturally, Texas, Lappland and their friends were sent to quell the outburst.

"Lappland slow down!" She barked out. Lappland was too far ahead to hear however, disappearing in a crowd of Lupos. These people were just getting out of work for the evening, briefcases and fast food bags toted in their hands. The crowd was a bunched up sea. How Lappland managed to get through it without being clunked in the head with a briefcase was beyond her.

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