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Im so tried! But just because im a nice person I will start this upload. Im not promising it is going to be good! I think this the end! THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!


Today was my date with Xavier. After saying yes to Xavier I had was in panic. I wanted to slap myself. But I figured that giving him one last chance won’t be the end of the world. Well, you never know. I put on black skinny jeans, a band T-shirt, and high heels. I didn’t want to look that great for this date because I have no reason. It wasn’t my first date with him. It was a second chance date. I curled my hair and put on a little makeup.

Then the doorbell rang. I walked up to the door to see Xavier in jeans and a gray white shirt. He actually looked kind of hot. I sighed and acted like I just wanted it to be over with. Well, I actually didn’t have to act. I didn’t want to go on this date at all.

“I’m taking you a place but it’s a surprise,” He whispered. I followed him to his car and got in. He zoomed off to an unknown place. Soon he stopped the car in front of . . . the coffee shop. The coffee shop where I fell in love. Oh my god! This is the place! The same coffee shop. I looked at Xavier. He smiled a largely.

We walked inside happily. Xavier knew that I would love this place. It was where I really got to know him. We picked a spot in the very back corner and order coffee. Once we had our coffee we talked about stupid things. I realized that even though it was mostly Xavier’s entire fault that we weren’t dating anymore, I kind of fell in love again. Don’t yell at me but I think I love him.

“So, is this a good date so far?” Xavier asked.

I smirked and leaned over the table. “Read my lips,” I whispered. He leaned over the table too. Then our lips touched slowly.

I love Xavier.

The End




One Cup of Coffee, Now I am a Rock star's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now