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Lesley POV

Why did I do that? He looks so... broken.

"You're lying. For the same damn reason you didn't tell me is the same reason you're lying to me for. Don't lie to me, Lesley."

I start to cry and force myself to stare at him. "I am not lying." He pales and turns around pulling on the strands of his hair. "Yes you are."

"No, she ain't." Jake speaks as he approaches us. Austin turns to look at him and almost glares, if it wasn't for the fact that he's crying. "I'm sorry, man."

His shoulder shakes as he walks away and I almost want yell the truth but stop myself when Jake grabs my hand. "Lesley."

As soon as I can't see him, I sob. "Lesley. Why did you tell him-"

"Jake. He's going on tour. He's already up here." I motion with my hand. I drop it and lean against him as he opens arms. "I can't. It's too early and too late. I'm sorry I brought this on you. I didn't think-"

"I know. But... it'll come out sooner or later." I nod and sob. "He looked so heartbroken, Jake. I literally saw his life through his eyes. He tore up." I leave his warm embrace and start to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He yells after me, picking up Jake and following. I stop him with my hand.

"I'm going for a walk. Need to clear my head."

"Lesley. I don't think you should-" he starts, but I cut him off quickly.

"Please, Jake." I bring my hand up, stopping him and continue walking away. I go past the trees in the park, and find myself in a different neighborhood after walking for miles. Surprisingly, my legs don't hurt.

I continue walking, till I see Austin's house right in front of me. There is no signs of Michelle's car, just Austin's Range Rover. I sigh.

What am I doing here? It's not like he wants to see me.

I'm just gonna mess him up more. I don't want that. But we need to talk.

I knock on the door once, waiting for someone to open. After a couple of minutes, I decide to knock again. And still... no one. Giving up on knocking, I decide to just open the door and welcome my nose to the smell of booze.


"Nah, man. I'm fine. I'm just super tired, jet lagged. Imma sleep it off, alright. Yeah, have fun." I tell Robert on the other end of the phone. I hang up, placing my phone in the passenger seat, and driving towards the small bar in downtown San Antonio. I park in the front, turning of the engine and stepping out, leaving anything they can rob from me in the compartment.

Walking into the club, I spot an old friend behind the bar.

"Ameeeeezy! How ya doin', man? Where have you been?" He says, stepping towards me and giving me a hug. He steps back and observes me, frowning. "You look like shit. What happened?" My smile disappears and I look away.

"Nothing... um... I was wondering if you can hook me up?" I ask Tyler, who smiles wide. I smile again, and he nods. "Come on back, man. I have a fresh case that just came in. Your favorite," he motions towards the crate filled with booze. I grab a bottle, lift it up.

"Jack Daniels?!" I smile and hand him money, taking the crate. "See ya, Ameezy!" I wave back to him, and walk out, putting the crate in the back.

"Time to drink up, Mahone..." I whisper to myself as I climb in my truck, driving away.


I cover my nose, feeling  like barfing at the horrible stench. Walking into the living room, I gasp at the mess. The sofa's upside down, table as well. Vases and other stuff on the floor. A loud voice scares the heck out of me, waking me of my trance and I turn around to meet Austin's blood shot eyes. His cheeks stained with tears, barefoot and shirtless, a bottle of Jack Daniels at hand, half full.

"What do you want?" His voice deep, rough, and... sexy. But I push my hormones thoughts away and focus on the beautiful wreck in front of me.

"What did-"

"I asked you a question!" He yells. I flinch away, and for a second, very little second, his eyes soften, but are recovered by the anger. "Are you gonna answer or-"

"I came to talk." I say calmly, trying to not let the quivering inside me show. He stares and me and then laughs. "You wanna talk? About what? About how you went slutting around after you and I had that moment at the hotel? It's fine Lesley. You'll learn to live with it, just like you learned with your parents death. For slutting around, they died. And where are you! With Matt, trying to get screwed. You-"

"Don't even start with me slutting around, hypocrite. You did worse than I did. You went with Camilla after me and you did the deed." I sob out and raise a hand, placing it a little over my lip. "I haven't been touched by anyone but you. Nobody's ever done what you did to me. I gave it to you cause I wanted to give it to someone without any regrets. And right now, at this moment in this condition I'm beginning to regret. And I didn't want that." I pause, waiting for him to speak, but he just stares me down and downs more booze. "I loved you. I came back to you even when you did the worst. You cheated so many times. I tried to give you a chance and you blew it up. I didn't want to believe you only slept with me cause I was hot. I thought it was because you actually liked me.

But then I wake up after a week, puking my guts out and feeling dizzy as hell. And what happens that week? I find out that the guy in supposed to hate, left me a little present." He stares and his eyes widen.

"But you said-" he starts and I'm quick to put him down. "I know what I said," I whine. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to protect my babies from the same thing that happened to me. And I'm trying to save your career. You love it, Austin. And bringing a kids will cause havoc. You're better off with Camilla." I walk past him and I'm out the door before he grabs my wrist.

So what'd YA think?

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Adios, Turtles.

By the way, I'm pathetic I'm in love with a guy that's not even mine. But he's so cute. Picture is Bethany Mota. aka Lesley. I love her.

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