Airplanes and Hotels

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There's been a misunderstanding, I meant that I was gonna change Lesley's character, not her name. Kapeesh? enjoy! I'm gonna start putting songs that treats to the chapters a little bit, k?

"You'll be fine. It's just a sprain, nothing's broken. Just use these crutches, and keep the cast on and the pain should be gone in a couple of hours." Says the doctor. I breath a sigh of relief. Thank god. "So can't I walk with out these things?" I ask. I don't wanna be carrying sticks around. All though the neon blue cast is legit. He shrugs. "You can try, but I don't think your ankle is in that condition." I look at my ankle and intend to step. Twisting my feet of the seat, gently lifting one foot after the other, to the edge of the bed. Gently placing my good foot, I hop off, landing on one foot, then try putting my left foot down. As soon as my bare foot touches the cold card surface of the checkered floor, a sharp pain shoots through my ankle and up my leg, making cry out in pain and fall to the ground. But before I'm inches on the ground, a pair of arms catch me and say, "I got you little one." I chuckle and stand up straight on one foot with the help of Jonathan. With his hand on my waist and one arm of mine around his torso, I manage to stand up straight and look at the doctor. "I guess that was an epic fail."

He laughs and nods. "Indeed it was Ms. Foster. Now I'm just gonna subscribe you some pain killers and a cream that will serve as a heating pad for your ankle. Apply the cream twice a day, and take the pills every eight hours. " I nod and grab the crutches against the wall.

"Ah! No no. Gabby will take those," he says handing them to Gabby who was reading some booklet on a nearby table in the room on a chair. She stands up and gently puts the book on the table, getting up and grabbing the crutches from John and the prescription from the doctor. "Thank you, dad. Shall we," says John.

Jonathan decided to carry me himself, and Gabby and Alex drove us here. Austin insisted on coming but he couldn't leave. Burkley did too but Gabby said he was too ashamed from getting in a fight with one of my friends. I said it was fine, but he wouldn't accept it. He's too sweet for his own good.

"How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?" I scowl at John. Before I can think, he takes my arm away from his torso and around his shoulder, bringing the other arm to do the same. Then he places one arm on my back and the other behind my legs, lifting me up, bridal style. I squeal slightly, startled my the sudden movement and wince when my ankle throbs. I grunt and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Sorry," apologizes John. I shake my head and smile, as he proceeds to get us out of the clinic. We make it to the lobby and Alex stands up, opening the door and taking us out into the breezy and sunny city of San Antonio. The sun sets on us and I cover my eyes. "Ah! The light!" I wince at the amount of light and cower my eyes behind John's cardigan. John's body moves as he chuckles from my sense of humor.

"Don't be such a vampire," says Alex. I take out my eyes from the cardigan and glare at him. "I'm injured! The least you could do is be nice," I reason, motioning to my ankle. He looks at it and back at me. "Are you dead?" He quirks an eyebrow, his hair slightly messed up as if he just woke up. "No..." I trail off, squinting my eyes to add affect to my confusion. He smirks. "Then don't count on it."

He chuckles and I frown. We get to the car and Alex opens the front door of the passenger seat, and Jonathan sets me down. I grab my seat belt and sling it over my body, inserting it into the slot, hearing the click of the secured lock. Alex starts the car and we drive back towards the skateboard rink. "You sure you wanna go back?" He asks.

I look out the window and nod. "Yeah. I'll be fine. I'm just hungry. You buy me food?!" I turn to look at him with hopeful eyes he looks at me and smiles wide. Yes!

"In your little dreams," he grins wide and looks back at the road. I spoke too soon. I pout and cross my arms. I turn in my seat and look at Gabby who's in the back. "Gabby... can you tell your idiot of a boyfriend if he can buy us food cause we haven't eaten since the morning." She frowns and sighs. "It's 3:40, we ate five hours ago, Lesley. Are you seriously hungry?" I nod and as if on cue, my stomach growls. John laughs and looks at Alex. "Yup she's hungry." Alex rolls his eyes, smiling and pulls into Whataburger. I jump
In my seat and lean over pinching Alex's cheeks and giving him a hug. "You're the best lad I've ever had as a friend." He chuckles and orders food for all of us. I take out my money and give him my half of the money. He looks at it and holds up his hand, shaking his head. "It's on me." I frown but oblige.

"I hate when you guys don't let me pay," I mumble. As soon as Alex pays and we get our food, I punch him. He jerks to the side and flinches.

"What was that for?" I frown again. "That was for not letting me pay." He grins, shaking his head. Gabby leans in the seat and kisses Alex's cheek. He blushes and smiles.





We arrive and I quickly get out limping on one foot and leaning on the hood of my car, as Gabby gets out and hands me my crutches. Jonathan grabs my food and steals a fry. Making my eyes go wide. He grins and turns around, proud of being a food-napper. I lift up one of my crutches and hit his leg. No one steals my food. No one.

He jerks and lets out a scream, along with a string of curses. "Pow! Right n'a kisser!" I yell, grinning, fist pumping. He glares and continues walking. I do the same following after him. I reach the group, that's cheering and shouting.

"WE'RE BACK!" Yells Alex. I flinch as he pats my back. Everyone turns around and cheers and me. Whistling and whooping, I say, "Yeah, Yeah, I'm back." They keep on cheering. I get confused. Why are they cheering, if I just twisted my ankle?

"They're cheering cause of the load of crap you did while skating," informs Jonathan. My mouth forms and 'o' and I nod slowly. "Yes, you all shall worship me," I say, mimicking Gargamel. (A/N: I couldn't help it!) They all laugh and make way for me. I get there and see everyone skating, but on the far corner, away from everyone is a camera on Austin, a red jeep, and to my dismay, Maddie. She's sitting on the bumper and Austin on the hood. My heart churns again, and I turn away, frowning.

'Calm you stupid thing that keeps me alive,' I scold at my heart.

"Hey, Burk. Help me up," I say to Burkley when I spot him. He nods and says, "Do you mind?" I furrow my eyebrows at his question, but then realize that he was asking for permission to grab my hips.
I blush and hesitate, but nod. He grips my hips and motions me to bend my good knee, I do as he says and jump up as he pushes. I land on the side of the rink, and get comfortable. It's almost time for our part. There just gonna go over almost the same scenes before they do us cause we come at the end, according to Robert. Thank god, cause I think I might need to get a heart checkup.

"He's looking at you," whispers a girl next to me. I look at her and furrow my eyebrows. She smirks and motions towards Austin with her head, and taking a sip of her drink. I look at Austin, and our eyes connect. We hold our gaze with so much passion, you can see it. My heartbeat increases and I can tell his breath got caught in his throat, and me too. I'm the first to look away when the girl next to me giggles. "Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

My cheeks blush, and I shake my head vigorously. "Sure." She smirks. "We're not. It might look like, but we're not." She smiles faintly. Placing a hand over mine and says, "it'll happen sooner or later." I smile at her sympathy.

"It would be the worst day of my life if it did." She chuckles and snaps her head in the direction of the director and Austin that are approaching us. He whispers something to Austin, and he nods in agreement. Camera men surround us and I look at 3/4 of the foolish four, Gabby, Burkley, Jonathan and Tyler. They both have hopeful looks as they repeat my actions with a smile.

Austin smiles and winks at me. I blush and look away, holding a giggle that was caused by the sudden giddiness in me. "LET'S GEEEEETTT THIIIIIIIIS PAAAARRTTTYYYYY STAAAAAARRRRRTEEEEED!" He yells fist pumping the air, looking at me. Copy-catter. We all laugh and he goes to sit on the half empty side of the rink. Maddie follows laughing and looking at him. I can almost hear what she says her voice faint but clear enough to let me hear.

"I wasn't serious! And fist pumping really?" He chuckles. "What's wrong with fist pumping? It's awesome. And anyways, I wanted to get everybody going," he shrugs, patting the spot next to him. Reaching out his hand, Maddie grabs it, making my heart do strange movements that make my mind feel jealousy. Jealousy? Of her? Llama wanna be, puh-lease!

He pulls her up and grabs her hip to keep her from falling. Jealousy rises but quickly turns to into hurt, feeling water go up the tubes that will hold my tears.

'Don't. Lesley,' instructs my conscience. He catches my gaze and the smile he had on his face, quickly disappears. His eyes soften, making it enough to let go of her before she could even make it up. She slips down and falls landing on her bum. I couldn't help but burst out laughing with the girl next to me, along with most of the crowd.

"Oh My Gosh! Are you okay?" I ask as soon as I catch my breath, and stop the urge to laugh. She looks at me and nods. Stifling a laugh as I replay what just happened in my head, I look up. And my gaze just so happen to land on one person, who I thought I wouldn't see for a while.

I wave at him and he sees me. Austin waves but I furrow my eyebrows and he looks behind himself. He sees the guy and his cheeks blush. I chuckle, looking down and shaking my head. I look up again, looking for Kyle, seeing the director, walking towards a group who I recognize as the hired skating professionals, seeing Kyle among them. He's wearing a black shirt and jeans that hang low on his hips, his eye piercing shining as he moves it around, the tattoo on his arm, making it move as he flexes, them ear piercings. I look away when he looks up catching my eye.

God, I'm such a mind slut. I don't like Kyle anymore, I just like his body. Just like I do with Chaning Tatum, and One Direction, I love they're body art and texture. Let's just say out of the three guys I've dated, Kyle and Matt top them. Austin doesn't count since we've kissed, not dated.

"Alright, kids. It's really simple. Be yourself, 'jam out' to the personalized playlist Austin picked out and act as if we're not there with the cameras. These here, just incase you didn't know, are hired professional skaters. This is Edwin," motions the director to a tall, slightly built guy with a lip piercing, air Jordan tattoo on his neck and a cursive type of writing on his left arm. Blue tee with 'A Day to Remember' on it , jeans and black vans. "Chris," short, no tattoos, ear piercings and almost the same attire but a dark gray shirt. "The twins, Sky and Ry," he motions to two dirty blondes with a small quiff and identical white shirts, jeans and shoes. "And our most professional of all, Kyle." He motions to the guy I know so well, who looks shy and waves awkwardly, saying 'hi' in a quiet voice. Everyone 'aws', even me. He looks like a lost little kid, besides all the tattoos and piercings.

He chuckles. "Alright then play the music! Austin! Lip sync." The music goes on and the same song that we're filming for goes on. We all laugh at whatever and move to the music. The skaters get on their boards and slide beside the pipes, grabbing water bottles that were placed for them. "Loosen up," says the girl who's name I still don't know. I shrug, mentally. Meh, why not?

I move in place and dance, doing the best effort to move my body in beat with the music. Moving my arms side to side and my hands to and fro, shaking my head, my hair sways from side to side, dangerously and I do a kissy face, imitating what's-her-name. We laugh and Gabby comes up to joins us. We bump our shoulders together, us three and run our hands through our hair, scrunching it up for effect. We throw our head back, laughing at how ridiculous we probably look. My shirt keeps lifting up a little but I shake it off. The skaters start skating in the rink, scaring the heck out of some of the other girls around us. Then as they slide down, they throw they're head back. My eyes wonder to Austin, but I quickly regret it. Maddie is sitting down with her back on half of Austin's chest, doing almost the same moves we did, with her feet propped on the edge of the rink, her smile big and bright as Austin does the same. Austin's pearly whites shine and so do his eyes as it gets darker and the lights of the rink turn on, illuminating us along with the camera lights. I turn away and Gabby grabs my hand. I look at her and smile, taking my hand away respectfully and calling Burkley for assistance. He pulls me down before Kyle comes near me, scaring the pee out of me. I gasp and he smirks, saluting me and rolling away. I smile, and sort of limp away with my crutches to a more peaceful part of the skate park: the baby ramps.

Nobody is their. Perfect for me to gather myself up. I look up to the sky with my eyes watery.

"What is going on with me?" I wonder aloud. "Please tell me y I feel this way about him. I haven't felt so affectionate to him and suddenly I am." I pause and let out a shaky breath. "Please tell me why." I croak. A tear slipping my eye.

"I think I may know." Speaks a voice.

"You ready? Are you sure you got everything?" Assures Aunt Bobi. I laugh at Aunt Bobi's worry and nod. "Relax, Bobi. I'll be fine. Just keep an eye on Tori for me, and look for me on tv just incase it's broadcasted." She nods. "Ay, pobrecita, mija. Quidate, Jennifér. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened," she hugs me one last time before letting go and handing me my luggage, which she insisted on holding.

Incase your wondering, I'm at the airport. It's 12:30 a.m and Austin insisted we leave early to Los Angeles and get there as soon as possible to see the stage he will be performing in. So we left right after the shoot was wrapped up. Austin had a long farewell with Maddie. I had complained cause I wanted sleep, but at least Gabby and I packed under thirty minutes.

"Flight 47. Now boarding. Last call," says the intercom throughout the airport. Aunt Bobi sighs. "Bueno. Ya veté, cuando vas a regresar? No quiero que te quiedes tarde," she says. I shake my head. "I'll probably be back by the afternoon. I'll let you know. And don't worry, I won't stay up late. I'll call you when I land." She nods, and hugs me again. Bryce stayed at the hospital while aunt Bobi came to give her farewells. "Bye, Bobi."

I let go, and limp away with my bag, waving one last time. Gabby waits for me while Alex and Austin hand the lady the plane tickets. I shiver when I see the plane out side and suddenly feel nauseous. "Calm Down, it'll be fine." I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath limping towards the path leading to the object of death. I've never been fond of planes.

"Oh, boy." I start to calm down a little when we get inside the plane. When I find my seat, I sit down and pull out my phone, turning it off. I put the duffel bag, that was the only thing I had left to carry after they took my luggage, and put it under my seat, my crutches leaning against the wall. I don't feel like putting it in the little cubby. I grab my beats and put them around my neck. The seat next to me fills up, and I look at the human who will be keeping me company.

He smiles and pinches my cheeks. "'Sup buddy!" He yells. I chuckle. "I guess your my plane partner." He nods. "Congrats! Your keeping me company on this flying death machine." He laughs and shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "It's not that bad, but I appreciate the welcome." I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're not making sense Godzilla." His lips form a line and he nods. "True."

The operator speaks, telling us that the plain will take flight in five minutes and will lift off after eight. I start to panic and try to control my breathing.

Calm down. "It'll be fine," assures Austin. I nod. I feel the plane shift up and quickly grasp whatever I see first. I feel a light squeeze thru my right hand.

"I won't let anything hurt you," he whispers. And that was the only thing I needed to make my stomach turn to knots.


"Get me out of here!" I yell as soon as the flight attendant says we can get our stuff and split. Not exactly in this words but you know what I mean. Austin laughs and grabs my bag from under the seat. He grabs the earphone thing of my purple beats and puts it inside my front pocket, gently tucking it in. I shiver and realize that we forgot two of the most annoying people. As we get to the bag thing that has a wheel with all our bags waiting, I ask Austin, "Where's Zach and Robert?" He points to a location far away from us and I see the two idiots and Michelle waiting for us. I find my bag and try to carry it with my crutches, but I end up almost falling.

"Ah! I got this," Austin grabs my suitcase and duffel bag, swinging it over his shoulder and dragging my suitcase. I pout, but shrug. Jonathan's doctor lied. I still have to wear this thing cause it still hurts.

"He said 'it should', not that it will," I recall him saying. I had hit him in the leg when I got angry.

"Lesley! Yells Austin's mom with a wide smile. I smile and continue my pace till I get to her and intend to wrap my arms around her. I fail but she hugs me, tightly. "Ah! At least there's two girls who will help me get through all these boys." I laugh and say, "Yes, Ma'am."

"No hug for me?" Says a voice. Michelle let's go of me and chuckles. "Come here, Gabriella." She opens her arms wide and Gabby runs, hugging her tightly. "So good to see you two."

We say thank you and climb in the car that's already waiting. The boys follow us in a van driven by Dave, chaperoned by Mike. Thank god, cause I swear those four aren't a good combination.

"We've discussed who's gonna share rooms with who. Gabby with me, Alex with Robert, Zach with Dave and Mike and the leftovers get the last room. Sorry, Lesley, but you're stuck with my son. And the worst thing is," she pauses looking at me threw the mirror. I groan when I process what I just heard. I wanted to be with Gabby. "What could be worse than staying in a room with Godzilla?" I run a hand through my hair, looking away from her smirking gaze and look out the window.

"It's not a three bed, or a two bed, it's a king size." My eyes widen, and I frown when I realize she finds this amusing. "You're a mom! You are not supposed to be okay with this!" I exclaim. She chuckles and turns to a hotel. They got the luxury suite, and it so happens to be the whole top floor. "Aw, come on. I was hoping you were gonna push him to sleep on the floor, for your sake. My son needs to learn that a woman needs her space when it comes to this. Don't worry! I'll tell him to keep his hands off you," she winks and I gape at her.

Gabby giggles. "It's not like he hasn't done it before," she mumbles and smirks. My gape grows wider and I smack her arm. "Owwie!"

I smirk. "I would keep it shut if I were you. Wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag, now would we?" I lift an eyebrow at her and her eyes widen. "You wouldn't?"

I grin, "oh I would."

She crosses her arms as the car comes to a stop. We get out the car and I grab my crutches slowly following behind. Michelle gives the keys to her car to a valet, and motions is to follow, when the rest of the boys arrive. We follow Michelle who has the keys, and go into the lift. I grab onto the rails for my dear life, as it moves taking us to the thirteenth floor. Michelle sticks a little card into a slot and the bell dings, indicating that we arrived. The elevator doors open and a luxury hotel room comes into view.

"Are you sure this isn't a house?" I ask, my eyes widening. She laughs and shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure. Now come this way, I'll show you to your rooms." My eyes keep observing the gold and white decor, sparkly chandelier and polished furniture as I limp in my crutches behind everyone. Everyone's rooms are shown before we arrive to ours.

"Unfortunately, we were gonna move you with Gabby, but all four of these little ones need to be watched," she motions, ruffling Austin's hair. "Ma!" Complains Austin, fixing his hair. She laughs. "I love you, baby."

The bell goes off before Austin can say anything. It's probably our bags. Michelle excuses herself, but not before saying, "Now this is your room, Austin behave." She points at Austin and he laughs. I laugh at his cuteness and open the door with one hand.

'Cuteness'? Am I crazy?

Crazy about Austin, beams my conscience.

Oh, gummy bears. This shall be a long night.


Hope it's nice and long! So as you all read, I'm just gonna change the character, not the name. like Selena Gomes or SUMTHING! not the name. so forgive me if you all misunderstood. if you guys happen to know any people who can play Lesley, it could be a model, actress, artist, even just the ramdom picture of a girl, comment or kik me. don't be shy.

My kik is slupe0406. just say that you read my book, and send me the picture.



Today was her birthday, and she said it was the worst. I feel her.




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