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Songs for Chapter:

Say Ok-Vanessa Hudgens

What Males You Beautiful- One Direction

Warrior- Demi Lovato

"How exactly did you get ambushed? They didn't even know you were here," he mumbles to himself. "How can they not?" I'm being stalked 24/7," I exclaim. Rubbing my but as I sit up from the couch I was previously lied on.

"No I mean, here, in a LA." I look up at all of them and nod. Gabby and Alex's expression catches my eye, and I stare. They don't notice cause they seem to be having a mental conversation. They look both worried and guilty, but I shake it off.

"Who's dressing room is this anyways?" I ask dumbfounded. "One Direction. They're performing after me." My eyes widen, but then I shrug and get up. "I'm guessing your ankle is feeling better?" He motions towards my ankle. I look down and smile.

"Yeah. Thanks, buddy." He smiles and nods. "Now let's go see the stage. You're gonna love it, it looks sick. The only thing is that it's outside." I nod and smile.


"Are you ready yet?!" I hear Austin yell. I groan and keep on applying makeup. Yes, I'm wearing it, but just a bit. I mean, it's the AMA's. I might as well look my best to not embarrass my friends.

"Hold up! I just need my clothes and shoes. Shit!" I complain. I'm a currently half naked. I'm wearing a peach colored strapless bra and underwears, with spandex shorts over them. I grab m dress, and slip my feet into it, pulling it slowly, and fixing it. Next is my shoes. I grab the sandals with littles jewels, and slip my feet in, strapping them. I figured if I wore heels, Austin would look like a hotel next to the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower being me. I mean he's an inch taller than me. Half an inch. I lied when I said he's an inch, I was just messing with him. I get a sparkly necklace that ends in between and under my boobs, some diamond pendent earrings, and two charm bracelets. I trusted Gabby buying me the dress, when I couldn't go and she skipped school just for it. She had gotten me a skin tight dress that has an opening where my diaphragm is. And it ended a bit above my mid-thigh. She also had gotten some black heels. I was like hell no. Cause she even got a strapless black bra that pushed my boobs up and showed my cleavage. Talk about prostitution.

I grab a headband that's a pale pink, matching my dress, and putting it in my hair. But in the end, I decide to take it off, and make a French braid with my bangs, and pinning it to the side. Earlier I went to dye my hair at a cheap salon, but it washed away and now it looks faded. My curls are visible. I'm surprised I could do this.

I look at my nails and see if they're still the same nude color I left them in, and breath a sigh of relief. Thank god those didn't mess up. I spray some perfume that Gabby lent me, and grab a nude pink clutch, placing my phone and Chapstick, to wear when I take off the lipstick. I can't stand it.

Another knock sound at the door and I groan, as I try to zip up the last of my dress. I open the door and see Austin. His eyes widen as he takes in my appearance. His gaze shifts from head to toe, biting his lip and licking his lips. "Sorry. My dress got caught in the fabric and it won't zip up."

"Are you sure you didn't just gain weight?" He asks as I step towards the bathroom, and turn around to look at my back, half of it exposed, him snapping out of the gaze he was in. I stare at my self and see parts of it flabby and wrinkly. I pick at it and frown. "Maybe I did. Ew. I look so... ew." I look away from the mirror and down at my feet, giving up on the back of the dress. Tears fill me eyes.

I am getting fat. My legs look chubbier, my feet do too. I have got small bags under my eyes, and my arms are flabby. "Hey," says austin behind me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me close to him. "I was playing. Don't be insecure, cause you have no idea how much I would love to see you without that dress," he says, half-seducingly, half-assuring. I blush and wipe the tears away.

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