China Bright Lights

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China Bright Lights

"Wow," I gape outside the limo, my eyes widening at the sight. More than a few reporters with cameras and microphones stand outside, swarming the car. Some even bang up against the window.

My phone rings and I answer it. "Hello?"

"You and Austin get out last. Austin cause he has to protect you from the lights. I don't think a couple of security with be enough," says Mike. "K."

I breath slowly. "I shouldn't have come. It was a bad idea. I'm making everything harder for you guys. Why do I always have to ruin everything?" It freaking sucks. I know I'm being whiny but it's true.

"Hey. It's not you. It's them. Now chill, babe. It's the AMA's," he smiles. I smile back and compliment him. "You look nice."

He laughs. "Great way to ease the tension."

"It was worth a try."

"Guys?" Says Dave at the door at the end of the limo. I look around and see everyone is already out. I suddenly feel self conscious. "Um... I-I don't wanna do this anymore."

"It's okay. Everything will be fine just hold my hand." I gulp and take a deep breath and nod. "Austin, you go first," says Dave. He walks towards there as I stand up grabbing my dress, and walking slowly behind him, careful to not fall. He steps out and cheers erupt as I see securities pushing reporters back.

"Come on. It'll be fine," assures Austin, holding out a hand. I gulp and grab it. Stepping one foot out, as my foot meets the carpet of the AMA's, cheers lower down and they're a few boos, but not loud enough to over power the cheers. "Smile, babe."

I smile. "Don't ever call me that again. I say through clenched teeth as we walk towards the place where there are already a few celebrities taking pictures. I try to hold in my squeals when I see famous celebrities looking around. But one, no five, catch my eyes, as they make they're way over to us.

"Oi, Mahone!" Says the tall boy in a black suit. "Long time no see!" Louis Tomlinson hugs Austin, and pulls away. He turns to look over at me as they all hug Austin.

"Well, hello," he smiles.

"Hello." I shyly say, waving nervously, smiling. "You must be what's been all over the news. I'm Louis." He sticks out a hand.

"Tomlinson. I knows I'm Lesley," I shake his hand. "Mahone?" I whisper nervously. "Regalado," I yell when I spot Gabby a get feet away with Alex.

"Ooh. You use last names, not real names. Feisty." Says a curly dimpled lad. I turn towards Gabby, as he nears me. "What's up?" Says Gabby, her five-foot-five, now five-foot-eight. Those heels made her almost my height.

"I'm Lesley," I say, shaking his hand. "This is my best friend, Gabby." He looks towards her and smiles. Gabby blushes, as he takes her hand, leans down and kisses it, his eyes not leaving hers. "Harry," his deep voice says. She giggles.

I look up from them and see Alex with an annoyed glare. I laugh and walk towards Austin who's talking to the other three members. "Hey, Godzilla. Alex doesn't look so happy." I motion with my head towards Alex. He looks and laughs. "Who would've known. I would do something since he's my best friend, but he can now know how Gabby has felt all these years that's he's been Sarah." I chuckle and nod.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us,"says Liam. He laughs. "This is Lesley."

They all say 'hi', and compliment my look. I blush and mutter a thank you. "Godzilla?" Says the blonde one.

They laugh. "It's my name for him." Although it sound more like 'meh' than my.

They lift an eyebrow. "Are you by any chance Irish or British?" Asks Zayn, who has barely spoken. I nod. "Both."

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