One Time

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One Time

He's checking me out. Cheese. I should've worn jeans. I take the time that he's not looking, to check him out. He's wearing a white button up shirt, untucked, with jeans and red converse. He leaves two buttons out on the top. He's wearing one piercing on his left ear. He is hot.


What did I just say... or think?

I'm going crazy.

I stop checking out Austin and turn to Gabby, who was calling me at the moment. "'Sup?" I tell her. "Did you do this?" She scolds. She shows me her phone that was opened up on twitter. The picture I posted earlier has gotten 18 retweets. My eyes widen, and I look up at her speechless. Her glare gets intense and I start studs wrong not knowing what to say. "Um. You see... it's just... it's a funny story..." I start to say but she cuts me off. "Don't. This means revenge, Foster. Revenge," she finishes and walks away. Oh, snap. Jonathan comes and puts an arm around me. "Should you be worried?" He asks, laughing. "Only if Gabby actually knows what revenge is," Austin retorts. I laugh along with them as we go back to the the living room. Pedro hands me a red cup. "No thank you, Pedro. Not tonight," I tell him shaking my head. "Come on! It's just soda, the ones that are blue, you have to be careful," he motions towards a half-drunk Eddie. "I'll keep that in mind," I nod to him. Who knew football players were so nice? Me and the guys walk around till I find the rest of the girls. "Aye!!!" Screams Rayne. I laugh as she gets up to hug me. "Damn girl! What happened to Lesley?" She pulls away. "I've been here all along," I shrug. "We'll normal you is hot," she says. The girls whistle and pretty soon the whole party does too. I laugh. Alright, alright I get it. I look hot," I shriek.

"Yeah! Even Austin seems to think so," says Jay. I look at Austin. He has his hands stuck in his pocket, and he's looming around avoidin my eyes. Even though its slightly dark in the house, the little lamp by the window provides enough light to show Austin is blushing. I chuckle.

"So I'm guessing you're ankle feels better?" Asks Chrissy. I nod and take a drink of my coke. The next one to speak is Jordan.

"I love your dress!" She squeals.

"Thank you."

"Where'd you get it?"


"How much?"

"About $40..."

She whistles. "Damn!" I laugh and nod. "Well, enjoy the party!" I wave an walk away. I finish my coke and throw it in the trash. A guy named Jace comes up to me and tries to make a conversation. I laugh at the way he stutters. "I'm sorry. I'm not usually this awkward."

I laugh. "Nah, it's fine. I find it very amusing and cute at how you try."

He lifts an eyebrow. "Is that so?" He asks. I nod. "Wait?"


"Lesley Foster, did you just flirt with me?" I try to say something, but instead I blubber out words only known to cavemen. He laughs, taking a drink of the fresh substance from the red cup. Then he looks at me and smirks. I blush.

"You're so cute," he pinches my cheeks. I giggle and look up at him. "Thanks, I guess." He nods and looks across the room. His eyes widen. And he curses.

"I gotta go. Chase is drunk. And we all know how it went last time," he mumbles. I laugh. "Yeah, we don't want a repeat. For our sake," I finish. He laughs and says, "Bye, Lesley!"

"Bye!" I wave. I lean against the wall and look at my feet smiling. Jace is so sweet. And just so you're wondering, Chase is his twin.

"Why were you talking to him?" Says a grumpy voice. I look and see Austin's angry eyes. I laugh. "What's gotten you're panties in a twist?"

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