Begin Again

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Hey guys! 2nd chapter! There's a little bit of Spanish, considering that half of Lesley's family is from Guatemala in Mexico. There's translation right after it, just invade some of you don't understand it. Enjoy!!!!


******A few months later***********

"Lesley! Hurry up!" yells Bryce from the bottom of the stairs.

"Almost done!" I yell back.

After my parents death, Aunt Bobi let me and Tori finish school. I finished my sophomore year, and tori her 1st grade year. Then, we made an agreement to stay with her till we finish school. And I go off to college, leaving her with Tori. I'm still with Matt, he's visited me the whole summer and hasn't broken apart from me. And now since it the first day .of the school year 2012-2013, I'm going to go to a new school. And start my junior year, as a different Lesley... Yay. Bryce had tried to convince me to join him and his friends, but I refused and joined a kickboxing class for fun. Just to have something to say and do.

I rummage through my closet, ignoring the close I used to use. I used to be careless and happy, and now I'm depressed and glum. I had picked out a crop top with some jeans and a beige cardigan paired with flats, but then I thought it was too much so I switched to a simple hoodie, vans, rolling stones t-shirt with denim blue jeans. I let my hair fall in loose curls, turn my bangs into a little French braid etched into my hair and put a little bedazzled butterfly bobby pin. I'm not gonna go all emo. I'm still the same beautiful me. Just different and hidden in a corner.

"Hey, Lesley?" says my Aunt, entering my room. By the way my room is amazing! "Yeah?" I say, facing her. "Here's my make-up bag if you need it," she says handing a Gucci makeup bag. I look at it in pure disgust but hide it. "Oh, no. It's okay aunt Bobi, I don't wear makeup," I say handing it back. "Only on special occasions," I added.

She nods. "Well, if you ever need it, it'll be in my room," she says walking out. 

My 'As Long as You Love Me' ringtone goes off. Ugh! I check who it is and it's Matt. I let it ring. I dont feel like talking to him. Maybe later.

"Hurry!" complains Bryce.

"Coming! Tori, ready?" I ask tori entering her room, with my Jansport purple backpack slung over my shoulder. "Yes!" she says grabbing her monster high backpack. I seriously don't know why she likes that cartoon. "Let's go then," I say walking out, while she follows.

We trot downstairs, and walk into the kitchen. I see Bryce sitting on the table, foot on a chair, texting god-knows-who. "Get your butt off the table! We eat there you know!" I tell him hopping on the counter. I grab a banana and hand it to Tori, who used a chair to sit next to me on the counter. "You do know we cook food on the counter, right?" he asks, removing his eyes from his phone and raising his eyebrows at me. "Touché," I say, jumping off the counter. He laughs, sends one last text, and places his phone in his pocket. He looks at me and asks "What happen to old Lesley?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, even though I know what he's talking about.

"Where'd all the fancy, fashionable clothes go?" he asks.

I scoff and hop off the counter. "What would you know about fashion?" and walk into the living room. I grab my keys and yell to Tori, "Let's go, Tori!"  

Bryce trots out with Tori on his back, sets her down and looks at me. "Your taking your car?" he asks, taken a back. "Yeah, I ain't taking your rust bucket."

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