Take some Time Off

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DUN DUN DUN! another post. THIS IS FOR JACQUI, DAYANARA AND BRIANNAThree post in one week! You all shall worship me! God, I sound like gargamel from the smurfs 2... Enjoy!

We were driving home as soon as Aunt Bobi got to the hospital. Austin drove me, insisting that he did. And after all he did for Tori, I couldn't help but oblige. "Thank you," I thank him as he drives into the driveway. Putting the truck in park, he nods, looking at me. "No problem." We stay they staring at each other. I lean over the seat dividing us and kiss his cheek. "Bye," I whisper, pulling away, and opening the door. "Wait!" I turn around as he pleads for me to wait. "Call me," he smirks, adding a wink at the end. I shake my head. "This doesn't change the fact that you're still PRJ." He laughs, "I know." I step out and make my way up to the door. I check my pockets just incase I might've brought the keys, considering I left my bag at school. Luckily I did. Unlocking the door, I hear crushed gravel and look back. Austin had just pulled out of the driveway, throwing me a wave, before speeding off. I sigh and go upstairs to my room.

I feel so stressed. Like fuck, I just wanna crawl into a dark hole, sorta like that guy from batman.

Oh wait. He fell by accident. Well something like that.

After a few minutes on debating whether or not, I decide to go to the boxing gym, I haven't been there in a long time and I need the de-stressing. Heading to my closet and grabbing the black Adidas duffel bag, I reach up, taking it down and packing it with the stuff I need. Track shorts, deodorant, body spray, sports bra, tennis shoes, and my head band. Last but not least, my under armor and boxing gloves. I'll leave my hair in the braid. I decided to bring an extra change of clothes just to take a shower.

I need some alone time. Maybe I'll drop by the movies, 'see if I can catch a comedy flick. I put on my joggers and a v-neck, replacing what I was wearing, some toms and head on my way. With my bag slumped over my shoulder, I trot down the stairs, checking the time and see that there's only an hour left till school ends.

Before leaving the house and leave a note for Bryce, and call aunt Bobi, letting her know where I'll be. Quickly forgetting the most important thing, I ran upstairs and got the thing that goes around my arm, holding my iPhone while I listen to music, along with my beats. I decided to go with my earphones instead of my headphones. Now finally leaving, after fifteen minutes, I walk two blocks, stopping by Stripes,
grabbing a couple of bottles of Gatorade, and walking two more blocks while listening to music shutting out the world. I get to the all so familiar gym and sigh. Just like old times.

Walking into the gym's entrance, the bell dings and Jake, the person in charge at front, greets me with a surprised and shocked look. "Well, hello, stranger," he scoffs, opening his arms. "Long time no see, huh Lesley?" I chuckle and hug him. "Shut up," I slap him, playfully and pull away. I hear a baby's cry and see jake grimace. I chuckle as he heads behind the sign in counter, and pick up a baby about ten months old.

"Hey there, buddy. Look who decided to come visit," he says caring Damian with one arm under his bum, and the other on the small of his back, clutching his side softly. I put my duffel bag down on a nearby chair, and go over to him and take Damian out of Jake's grasp.

"Hi, Damian!" I coo as he moves and laughs, clapping his hands. You're probably wondering, what the hell is he doing with a baby?

Let me put it this way: Jake is a single teen dad, nineteen years old and hasn't seen the mother of his baby since she gave birth to Damian. Which as the math puts it, last year. I met him two weeks after arriving here in San Antonio. But I had run into him when I would come visit him, but never really got to talk to him.

"How's it going, Jake?" I ask, tickling Damian on his side, causing him to laugh. "I'll be fine," he says going through a blue and black signature zumez bag. His cousin tried the whole baby thing out and didn't like it so he gave it to Jake. Jake comes from a wealthy family. But he's honestly the best person in the world. "But what I should ask is how are you?"

I furrow my eyebrows and put Damian down, as he squirms in my arms wanting me to put him down. He crawls to a carpet and plays with a toy car, staring at it before slamming it on the ground, expecting it to move.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" He stares and continues searching in his bag. He lets out a sound of victory, pulling out a folder. "This is why," he gestures for me to open the folder and I do as he says. In the folder are printed papers of articles. I look at one of the first ones, which he specifically said to look at, and read the headline: "Lucky Lady Mahone"

My eyes widen and I pull out the article written by some kind of magazine and start reading.

"Recently earlier today, Mahomies all over the World Wide Web, went crazy for a tweet that sent Austin Mahone fans into a frenzy. The tweet below gave fans to think that Austin had posted yet another picture of him and long time girlfriend, Brianda Montez, but instead lead to find a shocking, yet breathtaking young woman and a little girl. According to the research, the girl in the picture below is Lesley Jennifer Foster, who was recently in Corpus Christi, Texas, and had lost her parents in a tragic car accident on her birthday, leaving only, who we assume is her sister(in between Austin and the young girl herself) alive. But would really sparked was the fact that Austin called the English/American/Mexican cutie, the 'best' person in the world and went to 'brighten up' her day.

According to sources, Brianda Montez and Austin Mahone have been over for quite a while. Brianda Montez recently claimed, 'Austin cheated on me with Lesley shortly after they met.' Lesley and Austin met on the first day back at school where, as Brianda says, they were inseparable.
Could this be the new Lucky Lady Mahone?"

My mouth opens. What?! Who the hell would believe this?!

The first thing I thought was: I'm gonna beat the crap out of Brianda.

And the other thing was... how the hell can this go viral after just 3 hours. It's only 1:53 and they already have a story and my background info. Hells no. I'm the least to say shocked and scared. This could be deadly. What if the stupid fans decide to get me under attack? What would happen to Tori? How the hell can I even cope with this?

Shit just keeps getting better and better... Note the sarcasm.

I sigh and put down the article, wiping a stray hair from my face. "How did you find this?" He shrugs and motions towards the computer on a desk in a nearby corner. "Damian fell asleep and since there wasn't really any members coming in today, I went through twitter and found that tweet," he say motioning to the picture of the tweet on the article. "And then a link to the article on how you're dating a celebrity." I groan and put my hands on the sides of my head. "I am NOT dating him! oh, god, This cannot be happening."

He chuckles. "Don't worry. If it helps, I'll be happy to be your agent and bodyguard. Me and Damian. Damian," he pauses going over to pick up his gorgeous son. "Can knock paparazzi and girls who want to kill you, down with his cuteness." I laugh and nod. "Fine then, keep me updated when they know where I'm at." He nods, as I walk back to the lobby, grabbing my bag from the chair. "Anybody here?" I ask before stepping towards the doors, leading to the gym. "Um...just Jacqui. But I think she left. She said she had a party to prepare for. But my sister is coming. She'll be excited to see you!" He says. "Which one?" He has like three sisters, his brothers are in the marines. He only has two but they're extremely attractive.

"Actually, it's two of them, according to the text message. Dayanara and Brianna." I smirk as he runs a hand over his face, the folder falls off the counter. An envelope slides in front of me, and I bend down to pick it up. The light felt Manila colored envelope feels full as I turn it around looking at the lettering on the front.

'Texas A&M at Kingsville to Jacob Eli Mendoza'

I look at Jake and furrow my eyebrows. Staring at him intently, asking for permission to open the envelope. His face is pale and he's frozen, with Damian in his arms, and nods. I open the already torn envelope and read the the first sentence.

"Dear Mr. Jacob Eli Mendoza,
We are glad to inform you that you have been accepted to Texas A&M Kingsville on full scholarship and will call with further notice on when it will be suitable for you to start attending classes." I read aloud. My mind clouds up with questions as I look up with an excited expression,erring his pale and emotionless face.

"You got accepted into A&M! Oh my gosh! Congrats," I salute. He nods and smiles weakly, lacking enthusiasm and excitement. I walk over to him and frown. "What's with the face? You should be happy," he looks down at me, before putting down a sleeping Damian in a small, yet comfortable looking, baby carrier. He looks up at me again and looks back down at a peaceful Damian. "I can't leave him, Lesley. Not like Sarai. He's the only thing that keeps me going. But I can't go to Kingsville. How do I know if I'll ever see him again? What if I don't have time for him? Who will care for him while I'm taking classes? They start in January, I'm assuming, but... I don't know who will take care of him at night my sisters are no good with kids and nonetheless have patience for a child. They're night classes that I'll be taking. And I won't be able to take him to class with me. I can't leave him," he cracks, a tear slipping down his cheek. Feeling bad for Jake, I walk towards him and hug him. "Would it help if I say I can take care of him?"

He pulls away instantly, his eyes widening. "No! I couldn't do that to you. You have school. Let alone need the sleep," he exclaims. I shake my head. "I'm aloud to take kids to school, as long as they're quiet. Damian is a quiet kid, I'm sure he's not loud?" I state, sounding more like a question. He nods and says, "No, he's not. But still I can't just do that."

I scoff. "I'm not asking. I'll be glad to take care of a munchkin." I lean down, hovering over the carrier and pinching Damian's cheek softly. I stand straight, and look up at Jake, who has a gleaming look in his eyes. That ladies and gentlemen is a caring father.

"I won't leave both of you. You might have sisters, but you're like a brother to me," I smile. He looks ready eyes for a moment before pulling in for a hug. I chuckle and hug back, tightly.

"Where's my British lad?!" Screams a fake British accent. I laugh and pull away from jake and I'd hug. Then I remember that Damian is asleep and scold Dayanara as she comes into view, with Brianna trailing after her with a big smile. "Sorry," she whispers in a hushed voice. I smirk and hug her. "Long time, no see," she whispers. I chuckle lowly and pull away from her embrace and hugging Brianna.

"You know she's right. Where have you been?" I shrug. "Places," I answer simply. They laugh and turn to Jake. "Shifts off, bro. Take Damian home and get some rest." He nods smiling and hugging his younger sisters right before picking up after Damian and leaving, hugging me last. "Thank you," he mumbles in my ear. I nod and whisper, "call me maybe." He nods, "Will do," and he retreats.

"Well I gotta go. Anger needs to be real eased before I explode like hulk with Thor." They laugh and nod. "Make sure not to knock out the punching bag, it almost fell last time." I blush, remembering the second week I was here, when I got the hang of this boxing crap. I walk into the gym finding it empty and runnin to the changing rooms, putting on the stuff I brought to work out and heading back to the boxing area of the gym.


After about a few hours, it's six thirty and there's only about three people, one of them being Jonathan, who wanted to bother me but backed once he saw the look on my face, I smiled, trying to laugh but to focused to even do so.

After a few punches and kicks, I go to the bench, where my bag is placed, and take out a blue Gatorade, chugging it down, before placing the bottle in a nearby trashcan. "Maybe you should take it easy on the drinks," speaks a voice I know all too much.

I turn around and come face to face with one of the last people I wanna see at this point in my anger.

"Well... well... well..." I say pausing for effect and crossing my arms overt sports bra that has been revealed by my under armor, which I removed when It got hot enough for me not to need it no more.

"If it isn't..." I whine before saying...



I don't know if you all remember but I did mention one of Lesley's x's in I think the last chapter. he comes into the story but he has a lot to do with it. So does brianna dayanara and jacqui. i know i probably missed some people. but dont worry, you haven't been forgotten.

Can anyone say DRAMA?

If you guys have seen any cool dresses that Lesley can't wear to the AMA's

Kik me

Email me
munchman67@gmail.com (don't laugh) and put the subject as AMA's dress


Go to my profile and do it.


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