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Austin POV (!!!!!)

What is that? That bump? So small... and yet... I can see it... Clearly. But... why? She's not fat. She would've have sagged in places. The only other solution would be that she's preg-

I shake my head at the thought as I continue walking to my house.

She can't be pregnant. I would've known by now. Secrets like that just aren't kept that long. Especially as long as she's kept it. And even if she was pregnant, who's baby would it be? It can't be mine. The last time we... you know... was a bit of time before that day that i completely messed up with her. In that shower in the locker room. And if it's not mine, it could be Jake's. I mean, they were pretty touchy-feely. I'm pretty sure it's not mine.

I unlock my house door and step inside, cleaning my feet on the rug. "Mom! I just came to get my keys. Imma go to the Bryce's and then to the park for a while." I yell. She mutters an okay as I close the door and continue walking to my car. I turn on the ignition, backing down the driveway and turning to the right, accelerating towards the park. I need sometime alone.

I arrive at the park, turning off my truck and grabbing my basketball from behind me. I put on my beanie hoodie, and glasses, covering myself enough not to be recognized. Walking towards the basketball hoops, I see two strangers and their kid, playing basketball. And as I get closer, I notice the girl's face and hide behind the tree closest to them, spying on all three. I stare intently at Lesley, remembering my last thought. My eyes move from her beautiful flawless face to her belly. Her newly swollen, small belly. Yep. She's definitely pregnant.

As I think through all the times me and Lesley did stuff, counting around more than five, unprotected. I groan and turn around, leaning against the tree. That's the only solution. It has to be mine. I crouch down and grab my head.

Austin, what have you done?

And if it is mine... no, it is mine... why didn't she tell me?

Well you did ruin the last chance you had at fixing things with her.

True. I stand and turn around again, seeing Jake taking Damian, walking a different direction. Lesley stands smiling as she bounces her basketball, and shooting one.

It's now or never, man.

Taking a deep breath I step out from behind the tree when the ball flies from her hands passes the back board and lands in front of me. I pick it up, take off my glasses, hooking them on my shirt, and look up at her, she walking towards me, smiling, before her eyes catch mine. Her smile drops and her beautiful skin pales. I try smiling but fail.

"Why haven't you told me?" I ask her. I don't know why, maybe because I'm overwhelmed about the idea of a little me, but my voice breaks. She gasps softly, quickly before recovering and looking down the path Jake left.

"About what?" She questions in almost the same tone as me. It sounds so tiny and sad, almost as if she might cry before me. But my anger takes over.

"What do mean about what Lesley? I'm looking at your stomach right now, and you've never bothered to tell me? That you're carrying around my child," my voice breaks again and a tear happens to slip past my eye. She looks away and I see she's trying so hard not to cry.

I sigh. Not like that, Austin. She's pregnant remember? Twice as more fragile. I step forward and hug her holding her to me. At first she freezes, and then hugs me back. Her body shakes in violent sobs. And that's all I need to break too.

"I couldn't tell you. You were on your way up, Austin. I couldn't ruin that. It's selfish."

"I would've stayed if you'd have told me."

"Well, that's the thing!" She pushes me away. Her eyes are red from crying. "I couldn't let you do that. This was a big chance for you and I wasn't gonna ruin it. I was doing fine before you came along. I couldn't tell you. Especially now. It's too complicated for you."

"Why would it be too complicated for me? It's a baby. You know how I am around kids." I scream back in the same way she did. She cries even more, placing a hand on her hip and covering her mouth.

Why would she think it's too complicated to handle one baby?

"It's not just one, Austin. From earlier today, I found out it's not just one." My head snaps from the floor, to her face. The tear streaks on her cheeks shine on her cheeks as she turns to look at me.

"What do you mean?"

"And I don't think they're yours. They're probably Jake's. I was with him after you left. Things happened." My heart cringes when she mentions this. I start shaking my head and taking steps back.

"Nah. It can't." I look up at her actually crying now. "It's me!" I point at myself. "It's always been me and you know it!" I point at her.

She's lying.


Thun... Thun...Thun...

For those of you who were asking if she was still having triplets or not... there's your answer.

I dropped my classes so
I'm all yours. the gif at the top is Austin Mahone, husband #1 of ours.

So... stuff.

For the 5sos fam., I didn't get to go to DERPCON. it would've been nice. Those of you that went... I don't like you. don't take it personally, I say it to everyone. It's just basically means. "I wanted that!" AND DID YOU GUYS GET THE EP! JUST SAYING IS AMAZING.

It means that I want.

For DIRECTIONERS... DID YOU GUYS LOVE THE FOUR ALBUM? If you downloaded it when it was leaked, and you saw the livestream, remember Harry's words. "Yeah, but it's free."

FOR MAHOMIES... The loves of my lives... Austin's teen vogue photo shoot put me in the grave. I'm drooling. if you guys have the we heart it app, best app ever... Look up austin.

Love YA peeps. read my fanfictions! I have two others for luke and Niall girls

Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant