Family Dinner

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Family Dinner

We're not even watching the movie or making a move to start packing like everyone is doing right now. We're just staring at the tv, lost in our own worlds and thoughts, forgetting about the movie playing.

I mean, wouldn't you be mad if a person your feelings aren't sure if, called you baby when you were halfway to heaven and he has a girlfriend? See... it's wrong. And no matter what I think about Maddie, I won't do anything behind her back with Austin. But I certainly won't tell her about the 'baby' incident, unless she asks me. And why do I even care it's not like I'm in love with Austin. Right?

"Hey!" Me and Gabby both jump from our pensive state and look at Eddie. He looks confused, his head cocked to the side and his eyebrow is arched. The look on his face when he sees the two empty suitcases on the bed, shows his surprise clearly. "Gabby? I thought you were borrowing Lesley's clothes?" He asks Gabby as if he's known her his whole life. Her eyes widen.

"Um... yeah, I was... I'm just really tired. I'll do it later on." She explains, making eye contact with me. I get her message, and speak up. "We still going to that dinner?" I look at his clothes and my thoughts are confirmed. I hesitate to change but when I look down at the same clothes I've been wearing, I don't think twice.

"We are but if you don't change, you aren't," he smirks and closes the door. I breath a sigh of relief, and look at Gabby. She is the pensive state again and I grab her hand. She blinks and stares straight ahead for a short second, and then at me. I smile at her and give her a squeeze.

"Spill." She nods and starts to talk. "He came up to me in their ing and asked me to tell Sarah the truth and say that I pressured him into sex with my feelings. I denied and he kept on pushing and even tried seducing me... recalling things of that night and using it against me. I kept on disagreeing and he kept on pushing and ended up blowing up at me... asking if I was pregnant cause I was having to many mood swings. Then the anger got the best at me and I said that..." she breaks. Her eyes full with tears and she whimpers, taking a deep breath, and continuing. "I-I said that m-maybe I-i... t-that maybe I was... and walked away."

It was only when I was going after the argument, that I noticed what I said and that I may be pregnant... and I started to freak out before you arrived. And today when he stopped me, he was trying to make sure if I was or was not. I thought it was because he actually cared, but he only wanted to make sure so that I can say that it's someone else's and not his so he won't have to make the break up hard on Sarah." She starts sobbing quietly and I immediately hug her. "And then he started apologizing and saying that he didn't meant it that way, trying to rephrase it but each way coming out worse than the last." She sobs a few more minutes and then takes a deep breath. She wipes her tears and sighs. I grab her hand again and squeeze.

"We're in this together, Gabbs." I assure her. She nods and smiles. "I know," she squeaks. We hug each other and pull away, getting up. "Now let's get dressed and make them know what they're missing." She chuckles. "On one condition: Can I borrow Jaegar? He's kinda cute," she admits, looking away to hide the dark colored tint in her cheek. I chuckle and nod. "I'll call Kyle so I won't be like a third wheel."

"I wouldn't mind being used," yells a voice from the other side of my door. My eyes widen and I look at the door with a roll of my eyes. I walk to the door and turn the knob. Jaeger stands there, hands behind his back and a cheeky smile. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and let him in. He sits on my bed, and tries to lie back but hits his head with one of the suitcases. Me and Gabby laugh and walk into my closet. I close the door behind us and me and Gabby walk around looking for the clothes. We find them and start to change.

"So... who are we making jealous, my cousins got grind who's name is..."

"Gabby and we have to make Alex jealous," I answer for Gabby who's flushed over my cousin's charms. I hear him chuckle. "The bloke with nice hair or the ones who gives you googley eyes and a cheeky smile?" He asks. I roll my eyes as I slip on the red dress shirt with black polka dots on. I flinch a little as I raise my arms, but Gabby pulls it down for me. I grab the black leather pants and slip them on too, finding some red toms and put them on. We finish and step out. I go to my jewerly and choose a simple red necklace with Diamond rhinestones.

Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon