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"Thank you." I tell the cashier. I grab my drink and walk away, towards the beach away from everyone else. As soon as I reach the vacated area of the beach, I make sure no one followed, and keep walking till I find a good spot. I sit along the shore, up to where the water can reach my feet, and start humming a song to distract me from my thoughts as I look at the ocean and draw on the sand. The waves crash against each other, sliding against the earth's surface, coming in contact with my feet.

I squeal and giggle at how cold it is, as it leaves my feet and back to the ocean. I continue drawing and humming, until a baby giggling stops me.

I look up just in time to see a baby, almost a year old, walking over to me. Followed by a woman in her twenties, frantically running after who I am guessing is her daughter. "Madison!" The little girl falls into my lap, laughing up at me, her dimples appearing and gray eyes shining. I smile and lift her up, handing her to the woman.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry! I let her walk by herself for one minute and she started running!" She laughs and grabs the baby from my arms. "Thank you."

"No problem. She's cute."

"Thank you. But she don't get it from me." She smiles at the girl who in return pokes the creases of her smile. I smile and curiosity creeps in at the words she has spoken. I scratch my head as I always do in situations like this, and look up at her.

"Where is... Um... Her dad? If I may ask..." I trail off. A sorrowful and hurt look passes her eyes, before she starts to stutter. "Um... Let's just say... we had a night... he had dreams and I was just a girl with a secret I'm his rearview mirror. It was... um... a bit after we graduated before we left for college the month that followed. We slept together... three weeks later, the same day he was leaving, I found out. I was planning on telling him till he said stuff... and I just never got around to it. It was his dream... and I wasn't gonna be the cause of the destruction of it." She wiped the edges of her eyes and sniffled. "Haven't seen him in a year and she's turning one next month. I'm twenty years old and I'll never see him again."

She bids adieu and thanks me once again before leaving. I go back to drawing and looking at the sea while humming a song. Til' not too long after does someone speak up and ruin the inner peace in me, causing chaos in my abdomen.

"You know..." says his rough and smooth voice, if that's even possible. I sigh deeply and look up at him. His hazel-green eyes peering down at me with that familiar shine in their eye, the one that always causes me to run back to him. But not anymore. Not ever again.

"Next time you wanna run off that way, tell someone so they won't crazy looking for you." I stare at him for a while, and then look away, ignoring his words. I continue doing what I was doing, excluding the humming. He sighs. Sometime he sat down next to me
wrapped his arms around his legs, his bare torso flexing every single muscle in that body, bringing back memories. I catch sight of his back and almost crack up but end up choking on my spit. He looks at me, amused but confused and pats my back. "Lesley. Don't die on me now."

When I calm down, I start to catch my breath and look back at the sea, remaining quiet. And then I find myself looking at his back, tracing the scratch marks, a dark purple color, starting to heal but clearly visible. He tenses, and realizes what I'm doing. "That explains why hands were roaming my back a while ago."

I chuckle and remove my hand. "You had to mark your spot didn't you?" He smiles and turns to me. I look away quickly and start drawing again singing a song in my head. I hear another sigh come from my spouse, as far as he doesn't know, and resist the urge to roll my eyes as he starts to speak.

"I don't know why this happens, Lesley. I just wish I wasn't who I am. A jerk, dick, asshole. I don't think about what I say, I let everything control me and I hate that. The fights we have are all me. What happened this week was me as well. I don't like the Camilla the way I do you-"

"And yet you're moving into the same city as her." I fake smile at him and tears resurface my eyes. "Doesn't seem like it, Austin." He sighs and looks away, defeated.

"It isn't supposed to be this way. This wasn't the way I wanted to tell you about me moving to Miami. About me leaving to another state. I wanted for us to be on good terms not like... this." The way he put the words together just made me have enough of him. He takes his head in between his hands, moving it side to side before lifting it up and looking at me. My eyes water more and more until suddenly I say, "so you wanted it to be worse than right now?"

He stops muttering words to himself under his breath and looks at me. "What?"

"You wanted to lead me on. Make me think that you actually something more than just fuck buddies and then drop me of the face of the earth and leave me. In worse condition than now?"

He starts shaking his head, realizing what I had just said. "No! Lesley, no! That's not what I meant. You've got it wrong. I didn't wanna lead you on. I wanted us to be on terms of peace and friends, then it wouldn't be so hard for you to miss me, or me you."

"Oh sure. No wonder you wanted to go on a date with me today." I walk away as he follows behind. Trying to make me understand more than what he meant.


Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now